The benefits of digital technology for the development of SME businesses in the pandemic era
ILLUSTRATION. Startup actors talk with SMEs at the Powering Indonesai SMEs with Technology conference in Jakarta, Thursday (25/4).
Reporter: Agung Hidayat | Editor: Noverius Laoli
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) assesses the importance of using digital technology such as cloud computing and internet of things (IoT) in an effort to boost the productivity of the manufacturing sector, including small and medium industries (IKM) amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This step is in accordance with the implementation of the Making Indonesia 4.0 road map.
“The Covid-19 pandemic has indeed become a world problem, especially the existence of social restriction regulations. Because, the implementation of social distancing has made a shift in lifestyle including the rotation of business wheels,” said the Director General of Small, Medium and Miscellaneous Industry (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry, Gati Wibawaningsih in official statement, Monday (26/10).
For this reason, in order to reduce the impact of the pandemic, one of the concerns of the Ministry of Industry is to maintain the activities of domestic business actors by utilizing the use of technology in the form of Cloud Computing and IoT. According to Gati, the development of digital technology has led to the creation of many new breakthroughs.
For example, the benefits of using cloud computing start from the digital security used, capable networks, data centers, and servers. “In addition, the use of the IoT system will easily connect technology, information and communication,” he explained.
Also Read: Industry transformation 4.0 boosts productivity during a pandemic
The advantages of these two technologies are considered useful in maintaining the business continuity of the IKM sector. “It is true that this touch of technology will have a big impact on the SME sector business, especially during this pandemic period,” he added.
In order to accelerate the use of digital technology in the industrial sector, Gati hopes that many cloud computing and IoT technology providers are needed to support the production process more efficiently. “So, the importance of forming a solution ecosystem that can bridge the needs of industry and society,” he said.
Sutedjo Tjahjadi, Managing Director of Datacomm Cloud Business, said that his party had started the Cloud Computing business since six years ago. This technology is considered to make all work very practical and does not need to use large infrastructure. Even cloud computing can minimize company expenses.
“An increasingly digital era, computers are increasingly touching all of our lives, especially during this pandemic and online is a critical thing to do sustainably in future lives,” he said.
Also Read: Encouraging competitiveness, the Ministry of Industry accelerates industry 4.0 to achieve the SDGs
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