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OVO distributes pre-employment card incentives to 1.3 million beneficiaries


Reporter: Maizal Walfajri | Editor: Yudho Winarto

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. OVO electronic money has been appointed by the government as one of the distributors of incentives in the Pre-Employment Card program. To date, OVO has succeeded in reaching more than 1.3 million beneficiaries.

In addition to increasing financial inclusion, in this way OVO can also educate the public about digital finance. Because OVO realizes if there is a need for cooperation between the government and financial industry players to create and mobilize a non-cash or non-cash society cashless society.

“The digital distribution of Pre-Work Card incentives has made people more familiar with how to use and features OVO. Our role in increasing financial inclusion is increasingly real and its impact has been felt in society, “said VP Lending OVO Natasha Ardiani in a written statement on Tuesday (27/10).

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Natasha continued, OVO wants to contribute more to the success of government and BUMN programs in the future. Especially with the current pandemic situation where many programs require digital infrastructure

According to him, during this pandemic, the need for digital financial services has really increased. So that OVO and other digital financial service providers are required to continue to adapt and prioritize speed, security and efficiency in meeting people’s needs.

On the other hand, this pandemic is a golden opportunity for the Government to encourage digital finance adoption to accelerate digital transformation and financial inclusion.

According to him, Indonesia’s digital financial opportunities are now almost the same as when the SARS virus outbreak broke out in China 18 years ago.

At that time, the Chinese government succeeded in changing their people’s habits to switch to digital finance in their daily payment activities.

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He believes that the opportunities for the fintech industry in Indonesia are enormous. With the pandemic, many changes in people’s behavior have resulted in creating new lifestyles, especially when shopping has moved to digital transactions.

“We believe this behavior change will continue to develop. This opportunity is being targeted by OVO and digital financial service providers in Indonesia. We want to contribute in changing people’s payment behavior and meeting consumer needs for financial services, ”concluded Natasha.

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