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5 Benefits of Saying No to Friends

Often times we are stuck always obeying a friend’s request, whatever it is because we feel reluctant or uncomfortable to refuse. Even though behind that, you really object to his request because of the various limitations you have.

Assael Romanelli, Ph.D., therapist and book writer The Other Side of Relationships: Exploring Love’s Uncomfortable Truths, says that you can’t say “Yes” to every request that comes along. You need to be aware of your own limits.

It lists some of the benefits you can get from saying “No” to requests outside your boundaries:

  1. Respect from Others

According to Assael, our worry that other people will stay away from and end the relationship when we refuse their request is not always possible. Because people will actually respect us more when we communicate our boundaries and try to make more appropriate offers as a form of compromise.

  1. Loving Yourself

“When you say no, your subconscious mind realizes that you are taking care of yourself and rewarding you with a more solid sense of self,” he said. When you refuse to do something for someone else, you are doing something to love yourself.

  1. Affirm Your Self-Esteem

Saying no can emphasize boundaries which ultimately lead to your self-esteem. You are not worthless when you can’t help someone. Rather, you are learning to voice yourself and that should be appreciated.

  1. Avoid any victims

It can be too much to comply with other people’s demands toxic where someone will be positioned as a victim. This is certainly not good for your psychological condition.

  1. Prioritize Your Goals

Saying nothing to say by Assael can be a helpful tool in designing your life. Because, you will focus more on prioritizing your goals without having to sacrifice them for others.

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