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Benefits of Ruqyah according to Islam, understand so that there is no mistaking it

Benefits of Ruqyah according to Islam, understand so that there is no mistaking itruqyah. © 2020 Merdeka.com

Merdeka.com – The benefits of ruqyah, which are useful in various situations when it comes to them, are actually not known to many people. Ruqyah is often identified with the procession of expelling disturbing supernatural beings.

Whereas in Islam, ruqyah is an effort and process of healing through holy verses in the Koran. Indirectly, ruqyah is a form of human effort to get closer to oneself and at the same time ask for protection from Allah SWT.

So, ruqyah can be done when someone is in need of protection from all kinds of dangers that he can experience. No exception with various disturbances from supernatural beings.

More clearly, the prayer readings offered while undergoing ruqyah can be recited by reciting the holy verses, the names and attributes of Allah, to other prayers while being accompanied by blowing Then, what are the benefits of ruqyah which serves to keep people away from this danger?

Check out the full explanation, which is summarized from the following sources.

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