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Don't throw it away! This is the benefit of rice washing water for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Are you used to throwing rice washing water? Starting tomorrow, collect the water in a container. Rice washing water has many health and beauty benefits.

As the name suggests, rice washing water is water that is obtained after we wash rice.

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Women in China, Japan, and Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia, have made this water a form of skin and hair care.

Distinguish water washing rice and water starch. Rice water is white or yellowish water that is thick when we cook rice. This water is boiled water because it has been cooked in the process of making rice.

Benefits of rice washing water

Rice washing water is predicted to contain many vitamins and minerals that are useful for health. The nutritional content in rice washing water, namely amino acids, vitamins B and E, minerals, and antioxidants.

Do not use the first rice washing water when it is still dirty. It’s best to make sure the rice is clean, then take the water from the last rice wash.

Based on these ingredients, the benefits of rice washing water that we can enjoy are:

1. Brighten the skin

Using rice washing water for bathing or washing your face can make your skin brighter and fade dark spots.

In fact, many beauty products already use rice washing water as an additive, for example in soaps, toners, and creams.

2. Brighten black skin due to sunlight

If you feel blackened skin on your face, use rice washing water as your daily face wash.

The antioxidant content in water is believed to stimulate collagen production in the skin which can prevent wrinkles from appearing, protects the skin from the effects of sunlight, and has anti-aging properties.

3. Moisturizes the skin

Dry skin caused by using sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) in various cosmetic products can be relieved by regularly using this rice washing water.

4. Repair damaged hair

The inositol content in rice washing water can repair damaged hair, including dull and split ends. Besides having many benefits, rice washing water is also very economical because it is easy to obtain or make yourself.

Beware of myths

Rice cooking water is also said to be safe to give to babies, but this claim is still very dubious. As parents, we must be good at sorting out myths and facts for baby health.

The following are the myths of the benefits of boiled rice water for children that need to be known so that they are not mistaken:

Train children near the time of their complementary foods

Many parents give their children washing rice water before the time of complementary feeding (MPASI). However, we should not use this water as a substitute for solid food, because it is not sterile and is not intended for babies.

Relieves diarrhea

This myth is untrue. Based on the Indonesian Pediatrician Association, babies and children who are having diarrhea must be given fluids so they are not dehydrated, the fluids in question are breast milk, water, ORS, or giving formula milk.

Produces energy

This is a myth because rice washing water is not food. After all, this water is very ineffective for babies and children.

It is better not to use rice washing water for consumption. Do not also drip rice washing water on the eyes and ears.

This water is only for external use, such as on skin or hair, and even further research is needed regarding the benefits of this rice washing water. (Winubrata)

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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “The Benefits of Rice Washing Water You Need to Know”