What are the benefits of children learning PLBJ subjects?
What are the benefits of children learning PLBJ subjects?

Admittedly or not, the swift currents of globalization have an effect on children’s understanding and appreciation of the noble values and eastern norms. Especially in Jakarta as a metropolitan city, where the young generation has been heavily influenced by modern ways and patterns of life. Therefore, the Jakarta government includes the subject of PLBJ (Jakarta Environmental and Cultural Education), as a compulsory subject (local content) in schools, as an effort to fortify the younger generation from the negative effects of globalization.
In practice, PLBJ activities seem more relaxed than those of other subjects. According to Yunita Deviana, Bangun Mandiri SD teacher, although it looks like the students are just playing, this practical activity is actually the best way so that children can understand the subject matter. Playing traditional games, listening to folk tales, or playing dramas is much more fun than children just learning through memorizing in textbooks. With this pleasant experience, it is hoped that children’s understanding of this lesson will be better. That way, indicators that must be mastered by children such as understanding the inherent noble values (cooperation, help, honesty, etc.) can be achieved and mastered well by children. In addition, with practical activities, children can also master other skills in the form of socialization and cooperation.
As the name implies, the PLBJ subject focuses on the values of life and culture in Jakarta, according to the school’s domicile. With this subject, students are expected to be more familiar with traditional Jakarta culture, as well as sensitive and familiar with the environment in which they are currently in. That way, students can take positive values from each material contained in the PLBJ lesson.