– Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) was first introduced in 1999 by the National Environmental Policy Act in the United States. According to Law no. 32/2009 concerning Protection and Management of the Environment and PP. 27/1999 concerning Environmental Impact Analysis, AMDAL is a study of the major and significant impacts of a planned business and / or activity on the environment required for the decision-making process regarding the conduct of a business and / or activity.
AMDAL is one of the environmental management instruments. AMDAL has a strategic role and function in efforts to prevent and control environmental damage. Through AMDAL, a business or activity plan has stated the environmental management commitment it will carry out.
AMDAL is an analysis that includes various factors such as physical, chemical, socio-economic, biological and socio-cultural which is carried out as a whole. The reason for the need for AMDAL is for a feasibility study because it is stated in laws and government regulations as well as protecting the environment from operating industrial projects or activities that can cause environmental damage.
The following is a complete explanation of the benefits of AMDAL and its definition, purpose and components that you need to know.
Definition of AMDAL
Quoting from the AMDAL, UKL-UPL and SPPL books by Dr. Ir. Reda Rizal, B.Sc., M.Sc., AMDAL literally stands for five syllables; Environmental Impact Analysis. Environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) is a study of the significant impact of a planned business and / or activity on the environment which is required for the decision-making process regarding the conduct of a business and / or activity. (Article 1 of Law No.23 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management.
Munn defines AMDAL as an activity to identify and predict the impact of the biogeophysical environment and human health and well-being as a result of regulations, policies, programs, projects and so on. Jain defines AMDAL as a study of the possible changes in various socio-economic aspects and biophysical environmental characteristics caused by an activity plan.
The things that are studied in the AMDAL process are the physical-chemical, ecological, socio-economic, socio-cultural and public health aspects as a complement to the feasibility study of a planned business and / or activity. Environmental impact analysis on the one hand is part of a feasibility study to carry out a business plan and / or activity, on the other hand it is a requirement that must be met to obtain a license to conduct a business and / or activity.
Based on this analysis, it can be seen more clearly the major and important impacts on the environment, both negative and positive impacts that will arise from a business and / or activity so that steps can be prepared to overcome negative impacts and develop positive impacts.
Form of AMDAL Study Results
The form of the results of the AMDAL study is in the form of a document consisting of five AMDAL documents, as quoted from the publication, namely:
1. Environmental Impact Analysis Terms of Reference (KAANDAL) document.
KA-ANDAL is a document that contains the scope and depth of the ANDAL study. The scope of the ANDAL study includes determining the significant impacts that will be studied in more depth in the ANDAL and the ANDAL study boundaries, while the depth of the study is related to determining the methodology that will be used to assess the impact.
Determining the scope and depth of this study is an agreement between the Activity Initiator and the AMDAL Assessment Commission through a process known as the scoping process.
2. Environmental Impact Analysis Document (ANDAL).
ANDAL is a document containing a careful analysis of the significant impacts of an activity plan. The significant impacts that have been identified in the KAANDAL document are then examined more carefully using an agreed methodology.
This study aims to determine the magnitude of the impact. After the magnitude of the impact is known, then it is necessary to determine the significance of the impact by comparing the magnitude of the impact against the significant impact criteria set by the government.
The next stage of the study is an evaluation of the relationship between one impact and another. This impact evaluation aims to determine the basis of impact management that will be carried out to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts.
3. Environmental Management Plan (RKL) document.
Controlling and overcoming significant negative environmental impacts and maximizing the positive impacts that occur as a result of planned activities. These efforts are formulated based on the results of basic directives for impact management resulting from the ANDAL study.
4. Environmental Monitoring Plan Document (RPL).
RPL is a document containing monitoring programs to see environmental changes caused by impacts originating from planned activities. The results of this monitoring are used to evaluate the effectiveness of environmental management efforts that have been made, the initiator’s compliance with environmental regulations and can be used to evaluate the accuracy of the impact predictions used in the ANDAL study.
5. Executive Summary Documents
Executive Summary is a document that briefly and clearly summarizes the results of the ANDAL study. The things that need to be conveyed in the executive summary are usually a brief description of the magnitude of the impact and the significance of the impacts studied in the ANDAL and the environmental management and monitoring efforts that will be made to manage these impacts.
Purpose and Function of AMDAL
AMDAL as an environmental management tool, aims to avoid impacts, minimize impacts, and mitigate / compensate for impacts. AMDAL as an “environmental safe guard” is useful for regional development, as a guideline for environmental management, fulfillment of loan prerequisites (loan), and recommendations in the licensing process. The purpose of AMDAL is to protect the business or activity plan so as not to have a negative impact on the environment.
Meanwhile, the AMDAL functions quoted from are;
- Regional development planning materials.
- Assisting the process in making decisions on the environmental feasibility of a planned business and / or activity.
- Provide input in the preparation of a detailed technical design of the business and / or activity plan.
- Provide input in the preparation of environmental management and monitoring plans.
- Provide information to the public regarding the impact of a planned business and / or activity.
- The first stage of the recommendation on a business license.
- Is a Scientific Document and Legal Document.
- Environmental Feasibility Permit.
Benefits of AMDAL
The benefits of AMDAL in general are as follows;
- Know from the start the positive and negative impacts of project activities;
- Ensuring the sustainability aspects of development projects;
- Conserve the use of Natural Resources;
- Ease of obtaining permits and obtaining bank credit.
Meanwhile, the benefits of AMDAL can be further grouped into four groups, namely; the benefits of AMDAL for the government, the benefits of AMDAL for the proponent, the benefits of AMDAL for the community, and the benefits of AMDAL for the environment. Here’s the explanation;
1. Benefits of AMDAL for the Government
- Prevent pollution and environmental damage.
- Avoid conflict with the community.
- Maintain development in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
- The realization of the government’s responsibility in environmental management.
2. Benefits of AMDAL for the Initiator
- Ensuring business continuity.
- Become a reference for credit lending.
- Mutually beneficial interaction with the surrounding community for proof of legal compliance.
3. Benefits of AMDAL for the Community
- Knowing from the beginning the impact of an activity.
- Execute and exercise control.
- Involved in the decision making process.
In order for the implementation of AMDAL to run effectively and achieve the expected targets, its supervision is linked to the licensing mechanism. The government regulation on AMDAL clearly states that AMDAL is a requirement for licensing, whereby decision makers are obliged to consider the results of an AMDAL study before granting a business / activity permit. AMDAL is used to make decisions about the operation / granting of business and / or activity permits.