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Wow! This is the benefit of the god's crown as an herbal medicine that you should know

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Popular as a medicinal plant to kill all diseases. This is the benefit of the crown of gods for the health of your body.

The crown of gods, is quite popular in the world of herbal medicine for a long time. No wonder, the crown of the gods has many benefits for the health of the body.

The crown of the gods is pretty much found in the garden or yard. Understandably, some people deliberately planted the crown of gods to complement the types of medicinal plants for the family (Toga).

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Quoting from a book entitled Organic Medicinal Plant Cultivation by Ir. Agus Kadirnan M.Sc., APU & Ir. Agus Ruhnayat, the crown of the gods can grow in fertile and less fertile soils.

Ingredients of God’s Crown

Included in the ranks of herbal medicines that can treat a number of diseases, the crown of the gods contains many active compounds that are beneficial for health.

Quoting from a book entitled Mahkota Dewa & Its Benefits, the crown of the gods contains alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and saponins.

The crown of the gods as herbal medicine

Of all the crown plants of the gods, the part that is most widely used for treatment is the fruit.

For those of you who are not familiar, the crown of the gods is round in red.

Generally, the fruit of the crown of the gods is extracted and processed into capsules for easy consumption. However, there is also the fruit of the god’s crown which is processed into oil for use as external medicine.

Here are the benefits of the crown of the gods as herbal medicine.

1. The drug diabates

Mahkota Dewa contains saponins which function to reduce blood levels in the body. In addition, these active substances also play a role in increasing vitality and reducing blood clots.

2. Lower cholesterol

You suffer from cholesterol? You can lower cholesterol levels by taking herbal medicine crown of the gods.

Mahkiota Dewa fruit contains flavonoids which function to reduce cholesterol content and reduce fat accumulation in blood vessel walls.

That is, in addition to being able to lower cholesterol levels, the crown of the gods can also reduce a person’s risk of coronary heart disease.

3. Gout drug

Mahkota Dewa is also believed to be able to treat gout. This is because the god’s crown contains flavonoids and polyphenols that inhibit the production of uric acid in the body.

4. Increase endurance

In an epidemic of infectious diseases like now, the immune system must always be maximal. Because, when the immune system is strong, it can defeat the virus that enters the body.

The saponin content in the fruit skin and leaves of the god’s crown serves to boost your immune system.

5. Prevent cancer

Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases. However, you can prevent cancer by consuming the crown of gods.

Mahkota Dewa is rich in flavonoids which function as anti-oxidants and ward off free radicals.

Although it contains many active compounds that are good for health, you should not consume the crown of gods in excess.

Because, the crown of the gods also has side effects. Quoting from a book entitled Mahkota Dewa: Medicine of the Heritage of the Gods by Ning Harmanto, the crown of gods has the effect of stimulating the work of the uterine muscles. So, pregnant women should not consume the crown of the gods.

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