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These are the benefits of kencur for your body's health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Not only effective in relieving coughs, kencur is an herbal remedy that is useful for lowering cholesterol and several other diseases.

Kencur is widely known by the Indonesian people as a spice in the kitchen. Not only useful as a cooking spice, kencur is one type of herbal medicine that is effective in curing a number of diseases.

Just so you know, the kencur rhizome contains various chemical compounds that are important as herbal medicine. The content of these compounds includes 13.73 percent mineral elements, 4.14 percent starch or starch, and around 0.02 percent essential oils.

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The compounds in kencur essential oil contain quite a lot of substances such as methyl kanyl and penta acids, cinnamic acid, anisic acid, cineol, ethyl ester, paraeumorin, borneol, kamphene, gum, and alkaloid elements.

Not only that, kencur extract can also provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties (pain reliever).

The number of active compounds makes kencur rich in health benefits. Launching various sources, here are the various benefits of kencur for health:

Prevent cancer

Summarizing Book 56 Magic Foods and Its Benefits for Health and Beauty (2018) by Yusuf CK Arianto, kencur rhizome also contains ethyl p-methoxycinamate which can inhibit the proliferation of hepatocellular liver carcinoma cells which are useful as anticancer.

The aroma of kencur that comes from ethyl p-methoxycinamate and ethyl cinnamate can also provide a calming effect.

Treating diseases caused by bacteria

Methanol extract from kencur is very effective in warding off and overcoming bacteria, including bacteria that cause central nervous system disease called granulomatous amoebic encephalitis.

Kencur is also able to kill amoebic keratitis, bacteria that cause infection of the cornea of ​​the eye, as well as in overcoming parasite worms that cause toxocariasis disease.

Treating stone urine

The content of compounds in kencur extract is efficacious in treating stone urinary disease. To use it, all you have to do is take and wash two kencur rhizomes, then grate them to mix with a glass of warm water.
After stirring evenly, the grated kencur is filtered and add a little salt to drink regularly once a day.

Treat diarrhea

Kencur extract which is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant is efficacious in curing indigestion and diarrhea.

To get this benefit, all you have to do is take and clean two kencur rhizomes and two pieces of red onion, then mash until smooth. Wrap the mixture in banana leaves, and put it on the fire so that it is warm, then put or apply it on the aching stomach.

Treating colds and flu

The next benefit of kencur is that it can be very effective in treating colds and flu. To get this benefit, you can first finely grind a kencur rhizome and two cubed leaves.

After adding a little warm water, this herb can be used as an inhaler. The ingredients can be rubbed around the nose or wrapped in a cloth so that the smell can be inhaled.

The benefits of kencur can also thin phlegm, soothe the throat, and cure coughs, especially for children. As is known, kencur can provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties.

To get this benefit, you take one finger of fresh kencur rhizome, then clean and grate it. After that, squeeze the grated kencur and put it in the spoon. Add a little honey and drink it to a child or toddler who is experiencing coughs.

Overcoming vomiting

Launching the book Temu-Finding and Empon-empon: Cultivation and Its Benefits (1999) by Ir. Fauziah Muslisah, kencur has many benefits, one of which is overcoming vomiting.

To get this benefit, take 1.5 kencur fingers that are still fresh, then wash them thoroughly. Give kencur to people who are vomiting to chew with a pinch of salt. After chewing finely, the kencur is swallowed. Do this twice a day until the patient feels relieved.

Increase appetite

Kencur is good given to children who have trouble eating. That is because, kencur has carminative benefits that can help increase appetite.

To get this benefit, you can use kencur as an additional ingredient in cooking or as a herbal drink. Also read: Do not be underestimated, these are 6 extraordinary benefits of consuming garlic

Lowers cholesterol

Other benefits of kencur, namely lowering cholesterol. This is because the ethanol extract contained in kencur rhizomes is reported to reduce levels of total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.
However, the benefits of kencur as a cholesterol-lowering food still require further research.

Overcoming fungal infections

Besides being able to treat diseases caused by bacteria, kencur is believed to also be able to treat fungal infections. Kencur extract can especially help inhibit the growth of the fungus Candida albicans which generally lives in the body, such as the digestive tract, mouth and vagina. (Irawan Sapto Adhi)

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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “10 Benefits of Kencur, Treat Cough to Lower Cholesterol”,