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5 Benefits of Talking to Yourself, According to Psychologists

Good for mental health, you know.

Who likes to talk to themselves? Even though it looks eccentric, self-talk or talking to yourself is a healthy habit, you know. Research shows that the habit provides many benefits, from improved cognitive performance to better emotional control.

According to several scientific studies, here are 5 positive benefits you can get from talking to yourself.

1. Practicing self-control

5 Benefits of Talking to Yourself, According to Psychologistsyogajournal.com

Not only has a positive impact, talking to ourselves can also “block” negative energies from our bodies. Research from the University of Toronto, published in Acta Psychologica, shows that talking to yourself is a form of emotional control.

In the study, several groups of participants were asked to perform a simple test on a computer. If the computer display shows a certain symbol, they are assigned to press a button. If any other symbols appeared, they should refrain.

However, one group was instructed to repeat one word over and over and could effectively block the “push” from within themselves. Meanwhile, the other group of participants could not exercise the same self-control as the group that spoke to themselves.

2. Improve cognitive performance

5 Benefits of Talking to Yourself, According to Psychologistsforbes.com

A recent study shows that self-talk can help the brain to work better. In the study, participants were asked to read the instructions and then carry out the assigned task. Some participants have to read their instructions silently, others have to read them aloud.

The researchers then measured the concentration and performance of the assigned tasks. The results show that reading aloud can help maintain concentration and improve the performance of our brains.

Mari-Beffa, one of the study’s authors, noted: “Speaking out loud can be a sign of high cognitive function. Rather than being mentally ill, it can make you more intellectually competent. Stereotypes about the mad scientist talking alone may reflect the reality of the a genius who uses every means at his disposal to improve the performance of their brains. “

Several additional studies also support these results. In one study, participants were able to collect items more quickly while talking to themselves. Others observed that children used self-talk for completing complex tasks like tying shoelaces.

Also Read: 7 Tips for Talking to People with Different Views, No Need to Be Firm

3. Reading aloud can strengthen memory

5 Benefits of Talking to Yourself, According to Psychologistsunsplash.com/wocintechchat.com

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As explained above, speaking out loud has many benefits for our brains. One of them can strengthen our memory. In one study, researchers tested four methods for storing written information.

The four groups were asked to read silently, read aloud, listen to others read, and listen to recordings of their own voices. They also found the fact that participants who read the information aloud retained their memory well.

“This study confirms that the active involvement of our bodies can help the learning process and memory storage into our brains,” said Colin M. MacLeod, chair of the Department of Psychology at Waterloo who was one of the researchers in the study.

4. Provide encouragement to win

5 Benefits of Talking to Yourself, According to Psychologistsathleticsweekly.com

Psychological boost can drive success. That’s because this urge can increase our confidence in ourselves. A study published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise shows that a group of tennis players is practicing self-talk show high self-confidence while reducing their anxiety.

This increase in performance is not only obtained by tennis players. A meta-analysis even looks at strategy self-talk to increase achievement in the athletic field. However, the effect of self-talk only applies when they continue to give themselves a psychological zeal.

Dr. Julia Harper, an occupational therapist, told NBC News: “If we talk about negative things to ourselves, we will be led to negative results. However, when self-talk it’s neutral like asking ‘What should I do?’ or positive like ‘I can finish this,’ then the result will be more positive. “

5. Calm yourself

5 Benefits of Talking to Yourself, According to Psychologistswatchingclosely.pl

Talking to yourself is an effective strategy for dealing with negative emotions. According to a study published in Scientific Reports, talking to yourself in the third person is the most effective way to calm down.

To test their hypothesis, the researchers conducted two experiments. They first connected the participants to an electroencephalograph and then showed them images that varied from neutral to disturbing.

They asked one group to respond to the picture in the first person, and the other group in the third person. They also found that emotional activity in the brains of the “third person” group can be reduced more rapidly.

Interested in doing it? First, keep yourself away from bad situations. Second, start talking to yourself. You will feel the effect a few moments later.

Some of the research above has shown that talking to yourself has surprising positive effects. But like any skill, you have to find a way self-talk the most comfortable for yourself. Once you have mastered the art of conversing with yourself, you will also benefit greatly. Good luck!

Also read: Do these 5 things so you don’t get tense when speaking in public

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