Can Overcome Pain In Teeth, Here Are The Benefits Of Eucalyptus Leaves

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Not only used as external medicine, eucalyptus leaves can also be consumed as tea. usually it is done when the body feels cold and the tea functions as a body warmer.
Reporting from the following sources we summarize some of the benefits of eucalyptus leaves for body health. Among them:
First. Toothache Relief – Eucalyptus leaves are believed to relieve pain in the teeth, this is done by washing the eucalyptus leaves then boiling them until they boil and leaving about one glass of water, then divide the two eucalyptus leaves and drink the boiled water. half a glass of wood twice a day.
Second. Relieves Cold Symptoms – Eucalyptus contains a compound called eucalyptol. These compounds can reduce nasal congestion, the frequency of coughs and headaches associated with colds.
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