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Not only suitable as a snack while watching, it turns out that popcorn is also beneficial for this health

Watching movies and snacking is a mixture that can’t be separated. The two activities support each other to provide pleasure.

SERAMBINEWS.COM – The most identical snack that is enjoyed while watching is Popcorn, both when watching at home and at the cinema.

Watching movies and snacking is a mixture that can’t be separated. The two activities support each other to provide pleasure.

When watching, the sense of sight is spoiled. Meanwhile, snacks indulge the tongue or sense of taste.

A common snack while watching a movie is popcorn.

Due to its nutritional content, popcorn is believed to contain many health benefits.

Launching various sources, as quoted by kompas.com, here are the various benefits of popcorn for health:

1. Prevent cancer

Launching the Health Line, popcorn includes foods that contain high polyphenols.

Polyphenols are antioxidants that help protect cells in the body from free radical damage.