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Benefits of boiled ginger, lemongrass and brown sugar, from preventing cancer, nausea, diabetes etc.

KONTAN.CO.ID – Jakarta. Lemongrass or lemongrass and ginger are nutritious spices for the health of the body. Ginger and lemongrass boiled water is thought to help relieve various diseases. To make it more delicious, we can also add brown sugar to the mixture.

The benefits of boiling ginger, lemongrass and brown sugar, among others, can prevent various dangerous diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure, to help promote healthy digestion. The benefits of lemongrass and ginger stew have been predicted since time immemorial. However, these claims are usually based only on stories passed down from generation to generation.

It turns out that scientifically, the benefits of ginger and lemongrass can also be proven. Here are some of the health benefits of ginger and lemongrass that can be obtained if we consume both.

1. Prevent various dangerous diseases

The benefits of ginger and lemongrass can prevent dangerous diseases because they are both spices that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that can protect the body from exposure to excess free radicals. Free radicals can trigger various dangerous diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, or neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

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2. Relieves inflammation in the body

Drinking lemongrass and ginger boiled water can also help relieve inflammation in the body, because both have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation or inflammation usually occurs due to bacterial infection, unhealthy diet, and allergies.

3. Treating nausea

Ginger has long been used as a natural nausea remedy. So when you feel nauseous and want to vomit, there’s nothing wrong with consuming boiled ginger and lemongrass.

4. Healthy digestion

Drinking lemongrass boiled water can help relieve stomach aches, stomach cramps, and other digestive problems. According to research, lemongrass is also good for treating stomach ulcers and protecting the stomach lining from damage.

5. Lowering blood pressure

Regular consumption of lemongrass boiled water is considered to help lower systolic blood pressure. If your blood pressure is 135/85, the systolic pressure is 75.

However, people who have a history of heart disease should not consume them excessively. Because, this drink can slow down the heart rate, so that it has the potential to trigger additional disturbances.