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Reading of the Intention of Fasting Monday Thursday, Arabic and Latin Writing, and its Benefits

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – This is the reading of the intention to fast on Monday Thursday, complete with Arabic and Latin writing.

Monday Thursday fasting is the Sunnah fast recommended by the Prophet.

However, if you are fasting Monday Thursday, it should be done with a sincere intention and heart.

Observing the Monday Thursday fast also has benefits, such as hoping to have one’s sins forgiven.

Also read: Readings of Intention and Prayers after the Midnight Prayer, Complete with Recitation and Prayer

Also read: Guidelines and Procedures for Istikharah Prayers, Following Reading Intentions and Prayers

Following are the intentions of fasting Monday and Thursday and their benefits Tribunnews.com from Smart Book Complete Guide to Muslim Worship by Ust. Muhammad Syukron Maksum:

Intention of fasting Monday:

نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ يَوْمَ اْلاِثْنَيْنِ سُنَّةً ِللهِ تَعَالَى

Nawaitu sauma yaumal itsnaini sunnatan lillahi taa’ala


I intend to fast on Monday, circumcision because of Allah Ta’aalaa.

Author: Suci Bangun Dwi Setyaningsih

Editor: Muhammad Renald Shiftanto