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Temu putih is useful as an herbal medicine for stomach acid, here's how to make it

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. You suffer from stomach acid? Temu putih is useful as a herbal remedy for stomach acid.

Everyone must feel discomfort and pain when stomach acid rises. This is because people with acid reflux not only feel nausea but also have a sore throat, sour mouth, flatulence, and pain in the gut.

Also Read: List of foods and drinks that can trigger stomach acid to rise

As information, stomach acid is triggered by a number of factors, from stress to eating foods that are high in fat and spicy.

Generally, people with stomach acid take prescription drugs to relieve their illness.

Did you know that you can also use herbal remedies to relieve stomach acid. There are quite a lot of types of herbal medicine to relieve stomach acid, one of which is temu putih.

Temu putih herbal medicine for stomach acid

Quoting from Kompas.com, white meeting is a seasonal plant with round leaves and light green color. Temu putih rhizome grows short, fibrous and has a distinctive smell.

Temu putih is not as popular as turmeric. However, the benefits of meeting white are not inferior to turmeric. One of the benefits of meeting white is to relieve stomach acid.

However, you cannot just consume white ginger to relieve stomach acid. Because there is a right way to process white meeting as an herbal medicine for stomach acid.

The following is how to process white meeting to relieve stomach acid, quoted from the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture’s Research Institute for Spices and Medicines (Balittro).


  • The rhizome of white meeting seven pieces
  • Enough water

You wash the rhizome of white ginger. Then, you brew the rhizome of white ginger with boiling water. You drink it once a day. You can repeat to drink steeping water for 14 days.

You need to remember, pregnant women are not recommended to drink boiled water.

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