Wow! This is the benefit of celery for the health of your body
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Celery, a special green vegetable. Did you know that celery has many benefits for maintaining a healthy body.
Celery is known as a vegetable that is often used as an ingredient in cooking. In recent years, several people commonly consume celery in the form of juice.
This plant, called the Latin Apium graveolens L., has a distinctive fresh aroma and is low in calories. It turns out that celery also has many good benefits for body health.
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Here are some of the benefits of celery stalks for the body:
1. Helping a low calorie diet
Celery is a low calorie food, so it is suitable for those of you who are managing your ideal body weight.
Launching Health, in one large celery stalk, the calories are only seven kcal. Eating six celery sticks adds only 42 calories.
Studies show that chewing celery for snacks can reduce hunger. These vegetables have been shown to increase the release of hormones that can trigger feelings of fullness.
2. Increase the supply of vitamins and minerals
Celery has a variety of natural vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body.
Launching Everyday Health, celery contains vitamins K, A, C, as well as the minerals potassium and folate. A total of 100 grams of celery contains 32 micrograms of vitamin K.
This amount can provide more than a third of vitamin K needs per day for women.
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy bones to blood vessels. This vitamin is crucial for supporting the performance of vitamin D and calcium.
In addition, the portion of potassium content in celery is also quite high. In one cup of celery, the potassium is more than half the potassium of a banana.
3. Prevent cell damage
Celery contains more than 12 kinds of antioxidants.
Launching Healthline, the main antioxidant compounds found in celery include vitamin C, beta carotene, and flavonoids.
These compounds can protect the body from excess free radicals that can damage cells.
The flavonoid antioxidant quercetin in celery has been shown to fight acute inflammation.
This benefit of celery can provide protection from neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Quercetin is also said to remove damaged cells, so it can help reduce the risk of cancer.
4. Prevent dehydration
To keep the body hydrated, you can drink celery juice or use it as a snack. Celery is a vegetable with a high water content.
In one cup of celery weighing 101 grams, 96.39 grams of the composition is water. Or, almost most of it consists of water.
Hydration or adequate body fluid intake is important for health. Dehydration can cause lack of concentration, mood disorders, and trigger kidney stone disease.
5. Reduces inflammation
Laboratory studies have shown that celery extract can provide anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory properties. For that, there is nothing wrong with adding celery as a daily menu at home.
A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals the benefits of diligently consuming anti-inflammatory substances such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts.
Regular consumption of anti-inflammatory substances can reduce the risk of dying from heart disease and cancer.
6. Smooth digestion
In addition to containing lots of water, celery also contains lots of fiber. One cup of celery sticks contains five grams of fiber. Fiber is good for digestion and keeps the stomach full.
Animal studies have also shown that celery extract can combat the formation of wounds in intestinal tissue.
7. Lowering high blood pressure
Some people use celery and celery extracts as natural remedies for lowering high blood pressure.
Launching Medical News Today, one study tested the effects of celery consumption on mice that have hypertension. The result, celery can reduce high blood pressure in mice.
Celery is also a good source of fiber. High fiber intake can also keep blood pressure more stable.
8. Neutralize acids
Celery contains minerals such as magnesium, iron and sodium. These minerals can centralize the food acids we consume.
So, it can help overcome the increase in acid in the body. Although the benefits of celery for the body are quite abundant. But, keep in mind, there is no substance that works miraculously.
To harvest celery’s benefits, you still need to maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and live other healthy lifestyles. (Mahardini Nur Afifah)
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