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These are the benefits of drinking lemon juice for health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. It’s no secret that lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals. Here are the health benefits of lemon juice that you must know.

Lately, lemons are becoming a public idol. They deliberately bought lemons to be consumed so that their immune system was maximized during the corona virus outbreak.

Lemon is quite easy to find in traditional markets, modern markets, and also modern retail stores.

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Most lemons are consumed by squeezing and taking the water. Besides being consumed directly, lemon water is usually used as an ingredient in cooking and making cakes.

Apart from being a cooking ingredient, lemons are also classified as herbal plants that have many good health benefits.

Lemon content

Quoting from I Nengah Kencana Putra’s book Nutrasetikal Substances for Health Benefits, lemon tree can grow up to six meters.

The character of the lemon tree has thorny branches, oval-shaped leaves and oval-shaped fruit, light yellow to dark yellow.

Lemon contains many active compounds such as phytochemicals, flavonoids, coumarin, psoralen, carotenoids. Apart from containing many active compounds, lemons also contain many vitamins and minerals.

In 100 grams of lemon contains

  • 85 grams of water
  • 1 gram of protein
  • Fat 0.9 grams
  • Fiber I, 7 grams
  • Carbs 11.1 grams
  • Thiamine 0.02 mg
  • Riboflavin 0.01 mg
  • Niacin 0.01 mg
  • Vitamin C 39 mg
  • Calcium 70 mg
  • Phosphorus 10 mg
  • Iron 2,3 mg
  • Energy 57 kcal

Benefits of lemon for health

Containing many active compounds, vitamins, and minerals, lemons are rich in health benefits. Here are the benefits of lemon for health.

1. Healthy heart

Lemon is rich in potassium. Quoting from the book The Benefits of Lemon for Health Stability by Hindah Muaris, 100 grams of lemons contain around 140 mg of potassium.

Potassium is a mineral that is important for the brain because it controls heart rate and blood pressure.

2. Prevent kidney stone disease

Lemon is useful for preventing kidney stone disease when consumed regularly and in moderation.

Research conducted in Morocco in 2007 reported that drinking lemon juice can prevent kidney stone formation in mice.

3. Increase endurance

It’s no secret that lemon is useful for increasing endurance. In 100 grams of lemon juice contains about 39 mg of vitamin C.

The high levels of vitamin C in lemons make it less prone to damage because it has a fairly acidic pH of 2-3.

In addition, lemons also contain quercetin which can increase immunity.

4. Controlling blood sugar

American Diabetes Association (ADA) includes lemon as a diabetic superfood. Lemon contains quercetin which plays a role in balancing blood sugar levels in the body,

5. Prevent cancer

Lemon contains flavonoids which act as an antidote to free radicals and antioxidants. Flavonoids also function as antiviral, anti-cancer, and anti-allergenic.

The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention states that lemon extract increases the programming of cell death in breast cancer cells.

6. Detoxification

Lemon is also useful for detoxifying the body. Lemon contains citric acid which plays a role in absorbing toxins in the blood circulation which are excreted through urine.

How, are you interested in consuming lemon regularly to maintain a healthy body?

Also Read: The health benefits of lime that you must know