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Benefits of Moringa leaves for health, can lower cholesterol

KONTAN.CO.ID – All parts of the Moringa tree have benefits, including the leaves. Moringa leaves have many nutrients that are beneficial for health.

In fact, the health benefits of Moringa leaves are rated higher than carrots, oranges, or milk. Launch PharmeasyMoringa leaves are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and folate.

Moringa leaves also contain magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc. Not only that, there are many other health benefits of Moringa leaves that you can get.

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Overcoming inflammation

Inflammation or inflammation is the body’s response to incoming pain. This you can overcome with Moringa leaves. The benefits of Moringa leaves for health are because there is a natural anti-inflammatory in their form isothiocyanates.

Inflammation is the source of the problem of many diseases, such as cancer, rheumatoid and arthritis. If allowed, of course inflammation will worsen the health condition of the body. By consuming Moringa leaves, inflammation will be reduced.

Contains lots of antioxidants

The benefits of Moringa leaves for health are also due to the many antioxidant content. This content can clean free radicals that cause various types of disease. For example, diabetes mellitus type 2, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

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Moringa leaves also contain quercetin to lower blood pressure and chlorogenic to stabilize the amount of blood sugar. Antioxidants in the blood increase if you consume 1.5 teaspoons of Moringa leaf powder regularly for three months.

Lowers cholesterol

The health benefits of Moringa leaves also affect the amount of cholesterol. High cholesterol can be one of the causes of heart-related diseases. By regularly consuming Moringa leaves, you can prevent the disease.

Maintain liver health

For tuberculosis sufferers, consuming Moringa leaves is a good thing that needs to be done regularly. Quoting PharmeasyMoringa leaves are able to overcome the negative effects of anti-tubercular drugs. The nutritional content in Moringa leaves accelerates the repair of liver cells.

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Moringa leaves are rich in polyphenols so they are useful for fighting oxidative damage in the liver. The health benefits of Moringa leaves are important to note because they can increase the amount of protein in the liver.

Other health benefits of Moringa leaves are that they can be used as an antiseptic. Moringa leaves can fight bacterial infections and treat minor wounds on your body.

Editor: Belladina Biananda