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7 Another benefit of table salt, not only as a food flavoring

KONTAN.CO.ID – The existence of table salt is very essential in human life. Melazkan food is the main function of salt. But, there are still a myriad of other benefits of table salt.

A lot of salt content can be useful for many things. One of the other benefits of table salt is cleaning household appliances.

Home furniture, especially kitchen utensils, often have stubborn stains. You can use kitchen salt to get rid of these stains. In the right way, table salt makes a great stain remover.

What furniture can be cleaned with table salt? Here are some of the benefits of table salt as a stain cleaner that KONTAN.co.id summarized from DIY Network:

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The more often it is used to serve coffee, the thicker the stain of the drink will be in the cup. Coffee stains that have remained in the cup for a long time are often difficult to remove.

Sometimes it has been washed repeatedly, even coffee stains remain stubborn. To clean coffee stains, you can use a salt paste.

You can make salt paste yourself by mixing table salt and liquid dish soap. Use an old cloth to spread the salt paste onto the coffee stain on the cup.

Then, rub gently until the coffee stain disappears. If it is clean, rinse under running water.

The residue of soap until the hair falls out if you don’t clean it immediately can clog the drains. To clean it, you can use table salt.

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To clean it, mix table salt, kitchen vinegar, and baking soda. After mixing, pour the salt solution into the water channel little by little.

Let the water drain for about 15 minutes. After that, flush the channel with hot water.