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Here are the benefits of coconut water for body health and facial skin beauty

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Coconut water has many benefits for body health and facial skin beauty.

The coconut tree actually has a variety of benefits, from the roots, stems, leaves, to the fruit.

Coconut water is also believed to have high nutritional value and properties, such as amino acid content which is superior to cow’s milk.

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Not only as a drink that can refresh the throat and quench thirst, coconut water is also useful as an ingredient in traditional medicine and beauty.

So, what are the uses or benefits of coconut water?

Traditional medicinal herbs

Some people think that young coconut water has the effect of neutralizing toxins in the body. Young coconut water is often used as a cure for all types of diseases.

In terms of other treatment, young coconut water with lemon juice is believed to be able to treat intestinal worms.

Not only treating diseases in the body, young coconut water can be used for external diseases, such as being used as a medicine for itching due to eczema.

The trick, you soak one handful of rice in the young coconut water that is in the shell for six to seven hours. Next, if it feels sour, you lift it, then grind the rice in the marinade until it becomes a fine pulp.

Once smooth, you apply it to the part of the body that feels itchy, rashes, sores, eczema, or cracked soles of the feet.

Beauty potion

Not only useful as a medicine for various diseases, young coconut water also has a myriad of benefits for beauty ingredients, for example to get rid of acne.

Acne on the face can be deflated and leave no mark by mixing young coconut water with grated three segments of turmeric. Then, you let the mixture sit overnight in the refrigerator.

You put three teaspoons of sandalwood powder and save it again in three days. You filter the mixture with gauze.

You use this acne herb on the required area twice a day. Furthermore, other benefits that can be obtained from young coconut water, namely preventing facial wrinkles at an early age.

The trick, you only need to wash your face with young coconut water regularly. Surely your face will be toned with regular treatment.

Helps reduce fatigue

Coconut water is predicted to also have properties to help restore stamina and reduce fatigue in the body. Because, the electrolyte content in coconut water is very good at replacing body fluids, especially for pregnant women to prevent dehydration.

The natural salt in the body can be replaced with coconut water, such as sodium, potassium and chloride.

Blood circulation

Other benefits that can be taken from young coconut water, one of which is to improve blood circulation. The reason is, the body that is not optimal in the blood circulation system will certainly have an impact on aches and pains.

Therefore, the potassium and magnesium content in coconut water have an important role in pumping blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

Not only that, potassium also plays a role in helping muscle movement, delivering nerve signals, and helping the kidneys filter blood.

Although coconut water has many benefits, all of them still need further research evidence. (Retia Kartika Dewi)

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This article was published on Kompas.com with the title “4 Benefits of Coconut Water, from Beauty Medicines to Improving Blood Circulation”,