– Every pregnant woman will always try to adopt a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by eating healthy foods. Food plays an important role in determining the development of the baby, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, since the womb must be given healthy food so that the baby’s growth can take place properly.
Maintaining a regular diet is very important for pregnant women to implement. This needs to be done as an effort to increase the baby’s intelligence and also to nourish the mother’s body. Lots of foods for pregnant women that function effectively to maintain health during pregnancy, one of which is katuk leaves.
Katuk itself is a type of plant that is quite popular for pregnant or nursing women. The reason is, plants that have Latin names sauropus adrogynus This is believed to be effective for smoothing and producing breast milk.
This katuk plant which is commonly found in Southeast Asia has a height of 2 to 3 meters. Often the leaves are processed into various processed food menus, from soup to various stir-fries. Besides having a sweet taste, katuk leaves also have a good content for the health of the body.
Reporting from the page Organic Motion, katuk leaves contain more than 34-39 protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium to iron. Some of these ingredients have a myriad of health benefits. So, what are the benefits of katuk leaves for pregnant women? Check out the reviews quoted from Healthbennefit below:
Streamlining breast milk

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One of the benefits of katuk leaves for pregnant women is that they can facilitate and produce breast milk (ASI). The reason is, katuk leaves contain inhaled sterol chemicals which can provide hormonal effects that trigger milk production.
In addition, katuk leaves also contain a number of amino acids, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron and phosphorus which play an important role in softening the texture of breast milk. So that katuk leaves are very suitable for consumption for pregnant or nursing women.
Overcoming Anemia
Anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are lower than normal. So this sometimes causes sufferers to feel dizzy, have difficulty concentrating and the body is easily tired. One alternative way to overcome this problem is to consume katuk leaves.
Launching from the Organic Motion page, katuk leaf extract plays an important role in increasing the efficiency of absorption of the digestive tract, so that it can inhibit chronic blood vessel disease. So that consuming katuk leaves regularly can overcome the problem of anemia.
The thing that needs to be considered in using katuk leaves is that you should not consume them excessively. The reason is, irregular use of katuk leaves can have an adverse effect on the body. So that when consuming katuk leaves it is done regularly and not excessive.
Prevent Heart Disease

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The benefits of katuk leaves for the next pregnant woman are that they can prevent hypertension. The calcium content in katuk leaves can play an important role in reducing high blood pressure.
In addition, several other ingredients also function effectively in lowering cholesterol levels, so they can prevent various chronic diseases, such as heart disease.
Maintain Eye Health
The benefits of katuk leaves for other pregnant women are to maintain eye health. This is because katuk leaves contain high vitamin A so that it plays an important role in increasing cell growth, maintaining skin health and preventing eye disease.
This benefit can be obtained if regularly consuming cooked katuk leaves.
Lowering the Risk of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition of reduced bone density. So that it can cause bones to become porous and break easily. One alternative way to prevent osteoporosis is to consume katuk leaves.
Launching from the Organic Motion page, the calcium and iron content in katuk leaves are effective in preventing osteoporosis. In addition, this content also plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
To get the benefits of katuk leaves, you should eat them that are cooked regularly.