Red Betel Leaf Illustration. © 2020 – The benefits of red betel leaf for beauty may not have been known so far. Because, many people only know the benefits of green betel leaves.
In general, betel leaf is an herbal plant that has many health benefits. Since ancient times, betel leaf in China has been used as a raw material to treat various ailments suffered by the royal family.
Not much different from green, this red betel leaf also has various benefits that are good for beauty and health. In fact, red betel leaves which are now rarely found are claimed to be effective enough to relieve various minor ailments that arise on the face, skin, and internal organs.
So, what exactly are the benefits of betel leaf for beauty and health? The following is the explanation as summarized from various sources.
Effective Overcome Acne
The first benefit of red betel leaf for beauty is to get rid of acne from the face and body skin. Acne is an inflammatory process of the skin as a result of a buildup of dead cells and dirt in the pores.
In general, acne appears in adolescents to adults who are experiencing hormonal changes or due to free radicals. How to cure acne using the betel leaf is quite easy.
Boil red betel leaves and gently rub the soaked water on the skin with pimples. Leave it on for up to 10 minutes and dry with a clean tissue or towel. Do it regularly so the acne will disappear soon.

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The little known benefits of red betel leaf for beauty are eye pain medication. Of course, when the vision is disturbed, it will have an impact on our daily performance.
Apart from being able to treat red eyes as a result of irritation, red betel leaves are also believed to be effective in making eyes look fresh. This is because red betel leaves have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in them.
The method is quite easy, boil 10 pieces of red betel leaf and use the warm water to wash your eyes for 5 minutes. Do it regularly to get fresh eyes again.
Prevent Premature Aging
The large number of free radicals that come from pollution to sunlight makes facial skin prone to look dull which can cause premature aging. As a result, cells in the face become inflamed and damaged and cause wrinkles such as wrinkles and black spots.
The antioxidant content in red betel leaves is claimed to fight the various effects of free radicals, one of which is premature aging. The boiled water of the betel leaf can rejuvenate the cells on the skin so that the face will look fresher.

Hair is a crown that needs regular maintenance. Not infrequently, various hair problems also often come because Indonesia is a tropical area that always gets sunshine throughout the year.
From dandruff to hair loss it feels like it has become a common problem for some people. Not many people know about the benefits of red betel leaf for this one beauty.
The antioxidant content in red betel leaves is also considered to be able to soften and prevent hair loss. The trick, grind red betel leaves with sesame oil then apply it to the scalp. Wait a few moments before rinsing with clean water.
Treating Swollen Breasts
Usually, breasts in women will be swollen during breastfeeding. The allyprokatecol and carvacol compounds in red betel leaves are believed to help stretch inflamed breast muscles.
The trick, burn red betel leaves until slightly wilted. After that, then place it on the swollen breast while it’s still warm.

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Inflammation of the prostate is a disorder that occurs in the male genitalia. This disorder causes the cells in the prostate gland to be easily damaged.
By using the benefits of red betel leaf, the inflammatory process can be prevented. Because, the content tannins, saponins, and hydroxychavicol will regenerate cells that are damaged in the prostate gland.
Overcoming Bad Breath
Bad breath is a problem that can interfere with daily activities. This is quite easy to fix with red betel leaves.
Compound content eugenol and capitol on red betel leaves will help overcome this one problem. The trick, gargle with red betel leaf stew regularly every day.

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Content saponins, tannins, calcium, to the mineral phosphorus in red betel leaves are believed to relieve inflammation of the gums. This inflammatory process is often described as bleeding in the gums.
The method is quite easy, prepare some red betel leaves and boil it for 5 minutes. After that, use the red betel leaf boiled water as a mouthwash every morning and night.
Treating Minor Burns
Alkaloids, vitamin C, and antioxidants in red betel leaves are claimed to relieve inflammation of burned skin. The trick, mash the red betel leaves and mix with 2 teaspoons of honey then apply it to the burned skin area slowly.

The last benefit of red betel leaf for beauty is to prevent excess body odor. Compound content estradiol and clavicle in red betel leaf will regulate the production of hormones and sweat glands in the body. The trick is to consume betel leaf boiled water regularly.
Read next: Effective Overcome Acne …