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These are the benefits of eggs for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Eggs are one of the foods commonly consumed by people. Apparently, eggs store many benefits for the health of your body.

Eggs have become a common food for many people. Whether processed into omelets or served as beef eye eggs, eggs seem to have been transformed into excellent food for many people.

Unfortunately, there are many myths that say egg yolks can increase cholesterol. In addition, many people claim native chicken eggs or organic eggs contain higher nutrition than domestic chicken eggs.

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Nutrition experts agree that the protein and vitamin content in eggs deserves to be a healthy menu choice.

“I agree eggs are very healthy because they contain 13 essential vitamins and minerals,” said registered dietitian Brigitte Zeitlin.

Eggs are a great source of high-quality protein which can be used to build healthy and strong muscles.

Based on USDA nutritional data, one large egg contains about 6 grams of protein.

One large egg also only contains 72 calories. In other words, eggs provide a lot of nutrients with a small number of calories.

Eggs are a nutrient-rich food ingredient, one of which is biotin, which helps convert food into energy.

The choline content in it is also an important micronutrient for metabolism and several body functions.

Eggs also contain vitamin A which is important for the immune system.

Ryan Maciel, a certified dietitian, said, lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants really help protect the body from free radials.

“Eggs are also the only food that naturally has vitamin D, which helps keep bones strong,” says Zeitlin.

Nutrition in eggs

So far, there has been confusion about the benefits of eating egg yolks. Many people think that egg yolks only have negative effects because they contain high cholesterol.

One large egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol. Meanwhile, the recommended daily value for cholesterol is less than 300 mg.

“In the past, eggs were associated with an increased risk of heart disease because of their high cholesterol content,” says Maciel.

However, Maciel said, research has shown a cholesterol diet cannot significantly affect cholesterol levels in the blood.

Apart from cholesterol, egg yolks also contain many nutrients, including high levels of iron, folate, vitamins, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

“The egg whites also contain healthy nutrients, such as fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants,” says Maciel.

Egg whites that are processed into foods such as omelets, cakes and waffles are also claimed to be healthy.

Egg whites also contain protein and B vitamins. According to Maciel, this nutrient content is what makes experts recommend that we consume them.

“Omelets are more delicious when you add the yolks too,” says Zeitlin.

In fact, Zeitlin said, you lose some protein in eggs when you remove the yolk. We also lose important vitamins and minerals such as vitamins D, E, A, choline and antioxidants when we refuse to eat egg yolks.

Cholesterol in eggs

According to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines, a cholesterol diet is no longer a way to deal with increased cholesterol in the blood.

The increase in cholesterol in the blood is due to risk factors associated with heart disease including genetics, lack of exercise and lifestyle choices.

In fact, recent research shows eating one egg per day can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Eggs contain good HDL cholesterol, and help burn fat in the blood.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, also found that consuming one egg a day will not increase the risk of heart attack and cholesterol problems.

Organic “versus” conventional eggs

Research shows that organic farming practices are better for the environment, and make animals more mobile because they don’t need a cage.

In addition, Maciel also said that organic eggs also support animal welfare more than conventional eggs.

“So, consuming organic food ingredients reduces the risk of antibiotics, chemicals, and heavy metals,” he added.

Early 2018, as many as 200 million eggs have been contaminated with salmonella bacteria which are at risk of increasing congenital diseases.

However, Zeitlin said, the risk of eggs being contaminated with salmonella was very low and had nothing to do with whether it was organic or not.

“To be safer, cook eggs at high temperature,” he said.

The best way to prepare eggs

Cooking eggs well will reduce the risk of food poisoning. Maciel says cooking eggs makes protein easier to digest and increases the bioavailability of biotin.

There are many ways to get nutrients in eggs. According to Zeitlin, we can eat it by means of scrambling, boiling or processing it into omelets.

“As long as you eat eggs, you will get all the nutrients that eggs have to offer,” he said.
Adding vegetables will also add nutritional value to the eggs.

Therefore, Maciel said, processing eggs into omelets makes it easier for us to add lots of vegetables which increase nutritional value.

Adding it to vegetables, fruit, or whole grains can also add fiber content.

“The combination of protein and fiber will make us feel fuller for longer,” says Zeitlin. (Ariska Puspita Anggraini)

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This article has been published on Kompas.com entitled: “Do not hesitate to consume eggs, pay attention to the benefits …”