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Rich in nutrients, here are 5 benefits of broccoli that your body can feel

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. There are many benefits of broccoli that can be felt by the body. This is due to the large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in broccoli. Here are the benefits of broccoli that are useful for your body’s health.

Contains Lots of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are ingredients in broccoli that are useful for preventing cell damage from free radicals. Healthline (healthline.com) says that this function affects the health of the body in a difficult way.

One type of antioxidant in broccoli called sulforaphane provides many benefits for the body. Starting from reducing the amount of blood sugar, cholesterol, oxidative stress, and slowing the progression of chronic disease.

Reduces Inflammation

Another benefit of broccoli is that it reduces inflammation in the body due to the presence of bioactive compounds. Research involving active smokers has shown that broccoli is effective at reducing inflammation.

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Control Blood Sugar

Do you have excess amount of blood sugar? If so, eating broccoli regularly can be a way to overcome this problem. This means that this type of vegetable is suitable for consumption by diabetics so that their health conditions are maintained.

Interestingly, research conducted on mice showed that broccoli was also able to reduce cell damage in the pancreas. Not only that, broccoli also contains a lot of fiber so that blood sugar is better controlled.

Maintain Heart Health

One of the benefits of broccoli is to maintain heart health.

Quoting from Healthline, several research results show that broccoli is able to maintain heart health in various ways. Broccoli can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and triglycerides which are the main factors for heart disease.

Not only that, eating broccoli regularly can also increase the amount of HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol which is useful for body health. This function is maximized due to the presence of antioxidants and high fiber in broccoli.

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Overcoming Constipation

Apart from the benefits of broccoli that have been mentioned, there are other uses that you can get from this green vegetable. Good bacteria in the digestive system and bowel movements run smoothly because of the large amount of fiber and antioxidants in broccoli.

This means that the risk of constipation will be reduced and your digestive system will be healthier. However, more research is still needed to prove these results.

Editor: Belladina Biananda