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Benefits of Giving Trust in Children

The child already has self-confidence. However, it is not uncommon for parents to have a hard time trustingconfident-an a child. Anna Surti Ariani, a family and child psychologist from the UI Institute of Applied Psychology, suggested that parents have to believe in children’s beliefs about self-confidence.

To put this trust, you can make parameters or sizes that are mutually agreed upon. For example, releasing children to take public transportation to school. Many parents do not easily let their children go. The image of a child being grazed while crossing the road, falling off the transport, risks being kidnapped. Especially if you have only children.

So, try to make parameters like this: Does public transportation really make children arrive at school faster than using a school pick-up car? Is this public transportation safe enough for children? Has the child understood and carried out the transportation up and down correctly? Is there a friend to go by this public transportation? Or if you ride an ojek, can this ojek driver be trusted and not go fast? Do children want to reduce their parents’ level of concern, for example by sending SMS or BBM when they arrive at school or at home? “If all of that is fulfilled and it seems safe, parents must have the courage to let it go,” said Nina.

On the other hand, if you judge (of course objectively, yes, Ma) that the child has not been able to fulfill it all in fact, there is nothing wrong with saying: “Son, now is not the right time for you to take public transportation. Later there will be time for you to do it yourself. “

This rejection is not a dead word. Because, children will be disappointed and feel not trusted. Slowly you also need to teach things that can make you trust your child. So, he has a target to achieve it.