Benefits of Children Playing
Playing is an activity that children really like. However it turns out, played it is very important for children because it relates to their growth and development.
Psychology expert Herbert Spencer said that, children need to play because they have excess energy, which encourages them to do activities, so they are free from feeling depressed. So, you can imagine, if the child is not allowed to play, the energy is not channeled, then the stressful condition will affect their growth and development, which can cause problems later on.
In addition, according to Nessi Purnomo, Psi., MSi, a psychologist from Personal Growth, there are still some important things that children can get while playing, namely:
– Learn to make decisions about what ingredients to play and how to play them. Later the skill of deciding something will hone your little one’s self-confidence.
– Means of socialization. When playing playdough, for example, he is invited to share toys, take turns using cookie-cutters, work together to make something, and simultaneously interact with playmates.
– Language skills will develop because when playing your little one will hear and talk about what he is playing. They can learn to use new vocabulary, explain what is being done, and use expressions and gestures.
– Five senses stimulation. He can feel textures, smell smells, hear sounds, see various colors, and even taste the taste of toys.
– To hone a skill motor smooth and eye-hand coordination. Activities such as pouring, spooning, composing, grazing, kneading will help develop fine motor skills. This is useful when he learns to write later.
– Train concentration, for example when you have to pour seeds into a small container without spilling them.
– Expanding knowledge due to curiosity about the ingredients used when playing.
– Hone creativity and imagination. Your little one can freely express himself by making whatever he wants.