Benefits of coffee masks and how to make them
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Not only processed into drinks that provide energy, coffee can also be used for other purposes. One of them is as a mask base. There are many benefits of coffee masks because they are high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Quoting from United Kingdom Association for Solution Focused Practice (UKASFP), there are several benefits of coffee masks that you can get. Coffee masks can prevent signs of aging, prevent acne, and make skin healthy.
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Massage using coffee to get rid of cellulite is also able to improve blood flow under the skin. Another benefit of mask coffee is that it makes skin fresh and supple because of the caffeine it contains.
Benefits of Coffee Masks
According to UKASFP, the benefits of the first coffee mask are as a natural exfoliation. With its unique texture, coffee can be maximized as a mask and face scrub. Not only does it remove dead skin cells, coffee is also able to make your skin brighter.
The benefits of coffee masks to brighten the skin are even more pronounced when mixed with milk. You can make your own coffee mask. The trick, mix coffee and milk to form a paste. Apply the paste on the face, let stand 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Not only does it function as a natural and brightening exfoliation, other benefits of coffee masks are to reduce panda eyes and eye bags that interfere with appearance. The blood vessels under the eyes will shrink when you apply the coffee mask under the eyes.
The antioxidant content can restore the natural texture and health of the skin around the eyes. Use a coffee mask for 10 minutes around the eyes, then rinse. Regular use will make maximum results.
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Benefits of Coffee Mask with Coconut Oil
The benefits of coffee masks are to improve blood flow and reduce sun damage. Meanwhile, coconut oil is useful for protecting the skin from pollution due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Coconut oil also plays a role in moisturizing the skin. A mask made from coffee and coconut oil will make your skin brighter, healthier, and look younger. To make a mask, prepare the ingredients first, namely coffee powder (1 tablespoon) and coconut oil to taste.
Combine the two ingredients to form a paste. Apply the finished mask to the cleansed face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Don’t forget to give a little massage before rinsing off the mask using water.
Editor: Belladina Biananda