Note, here are 4 benefits of watermelon according to nutritionists
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Apart from being delicious and refreshing, there are many benefits of watermelon that are useful for your body’s health. This is based on the amount of nutrients, vitamins, and other ingredients found in watermelon. Here are the benefits that you can get.
Hydrates the Body Well
A dehydrated body will cause many health problems. Starting from the circulation that is not smooth, the digestive system, body temperature, and disturbed skin conditions. Not only that, the function of organs and joints can also be problematic.
In order for the body to be properly hydrated, you can consume watermelon. Healthline ( says that in a glass of watermelon there are five ounces of water. This means that the body’s metabolism will increase. Toxins in the body are also easier to get rid of.
Avoiding dehydration also has an effect on your mental state. According to one study, a body that is 1-3% dehydrated results in a messy mood, decreased concentration, increases the risk of headaches, fatigue, and anxiety.
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Low in Sugar and Calories
If you want to eat sweet foods, but don’t want to gain weight, try eating watermelon. In a glass of watermelon, you can get 45 calories from 11 g of carbohydrates. Quoting from Healthline, 9 g of which are natural sugars.
Natural sugar is equipped with vitamin A and vitamin C which can boost the body’s immune system. Not only that, the benefits of watermelon are also caused by magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins which act as antioxidants.
Lowering Blood Pressure
For people with high blood pressure, consuming watermelon needs to be done regularly. L-citrulline in watermelon is useful for improving artery function and lowering blood pressure so that circulation in the body can be smoother.
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Reduces Muscle Pain
The next benefit of watermelon is that it can be used to reduce muscle pain. This was proven by a study involving athletes. Athletes who consumed 16 ounces of watermelon juice an hour before exercise did not experience excessive muscle soreness.
Other studies have also shown the same results. Male runners who consumed 16 ounces of watermelon juice two hours before the marathon were experiencing less muscle pain than runners who drank other drinks.
Editor: Belladina Biananda