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Benefits of Ideal Posture Children

Does your child’s school bag contain so many items that it is too heavy for him to carry? If so, it is better if the habit of carrying heavy bags like that is immediately abandoned because it can shape the body or bone the back of the child becomes not ideal. It’s better for children to bring an ‘extra’ bag or other carry-on bag so that the school bag or backpack is not too heavy.

Before entering the maximum age of growth, which is 18 years, the child’s spine is still elastic. Therefore, if there is an error in posture that is often done since childhood, it can affect the growth of the spine.

Well, before it’s too late, parents can still remind children to always get used to the correct body position and not fill the school bag to the brim so it is too heavy to carry or carry.

Some of the benefits of children having ideal posture are as follows:

1. The body’s organs are functioning properly. The human spine can be likened to a car frame (chassis). If the spine or chassis is positioned correctly, it will affect the functions of other organs, such as the neck, shoulders, back and waist, which will work more effectively.

2. Maintain healthy joints and muscles. Getting used to having proper posture can keep joints safe and not experience joint pain. In addition, it can make muscles more relaxed, less stiff, and less tired.

3. The aesthetic side. Standing straight in the correct position will make the body look more pronounced high at the same time more pleasing to the eye than standing hunched over.