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The 5 best benefits of coriander for your health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Coriander is a type of spice that is usually used in various dishes, such as soups, curries, and so on. Apart from making food delicious, coriander also has many benefits. The following benefits of coriander can be felt by the body when you consume it regularly.

Lowering Blood Sugar

Coriander can be used to lower blood sugar so that the risk of diabetes is also reduced. Quoting from Healthline (healthline.com), coriander can increase enzyme activity so that a lot of blood sugar is wasted.

A study shows that consumption of coriander has the same effect as a blood sugar medication, namely glibenclamide. Obese mice with high blood sugar were given one dose of coriander (20 mg per kg). As a result, blood sugar fell by 4 mmol / L within six hours.

Increase the Immune System

The body’s immune system is an important factor that keeps the body from being susceptible to disease. This can be increased if you regularly consume coriander. The antioxidants in coriander work to reduce inflammation and fight free radicals.

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Apart from boosting the body’s immune system, other benefits of coriander are preventing the growth of cancer cells. Not only that, this spice also has a neuroprotective effect that can protect your nervous system.

Maintain Heart Health

Healthline says that coriander is also beneficial for maintaining heart health. The content in coriander can act as a diuretic so that excess sodium and water in the body can be excreted. This means that your blood pressure can also be reduced.

Not only that, your bad cholesterol (LDL) will decrease when you consume coriander regularly. Meanwhile, good cholesterol or HDL will increase. That way, your heart health will be maintained.

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Against Infection

You can also use coriander to fight infection and disease. The antimicrobial properties in coriander work to fight various types of infections, one of which is urinary tract infection. Not only that, cilantro can also fight Salmonella infection, the bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Protect Skin

Another benefit of coriander mentioned by Healthline is its ability to protect the skin. Besides being able to increase the body’s immune system, the antioxidants in coriander also play a role in preventing signs of aging and protecting the skin from UVB rays.

Editor: Belladina Biananda