Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and Pertamina Promote KUR Access
Bogor ( – The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (Kemenko Ekonomi) of the Republic of Indonesia held a socialization of access to People’s Business Credit (KUR) for the Pertashop partnership, Wednesday (3/2/2021).
This socialization aims to optimize the distribution of KUR in 2021 while at the same time accelerating the Pertashop development process as a form of energy distribution and an effort to accelerate national economic recovery.
This socialization was led by Assistant Deputy for Capital Markets and Financial Institutions at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Gede Edy Prasetya, Assistant Deputy for Oil and Gas, Mining, and Petrochemical at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Andi Novianto, President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero ), Mas’ud Khamid, as well as the ranks of the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) from the BRI, BNI and Mandiri banks.
Gede Edy Prasetya explained, KUR is a financing credit for working capital and / or for investment which can be an effort to help people in today’s difficult conditions. The achievement of KUR in 2020 is very good, reaching 197 trillion rupiah or 103% of the target, and in 2021 we are targeting the distribution of KUR to reach 253 trillion.
In his presentation, Gede Edy welcomed the innovative opportunity for KUR access cooperation for the Pertashop Program because it would be very beneficial for potential partners and the community. According to him, the business potential of the Pertashop portfolio as Pertamina’s official energy supply agency to the community has very good potential and its service innovations can still be developed.
“In this socialization, it is hoped that we can find the best way and pattern to encourage the distribution of KUR for the implementation of the Pertashop Program, so that the big goals of KUR and Pertashop distribution can be achieved together. This will be a form of synergy and collaboration between BUMN, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, and the Ministry of Home Affairs with the aim of providing various benefits to the communities we serve, “said Gede Edy Prasetya.

Meanwhile, Mas’ud Khamid said that Pertashop is one of the answers to channeling energy to villages and points that have not been served by Pertamina, as a form of supporting energy security that does not stop at gas stations, and as an anchor for economic improvement in the area. Currently, 1,112 Pertashop units have been operating throughout Indonesia, and for 2021, it is targeted that as many as 10 thousand new Pertashops can operate.
“Pertashop is one of the implementations of the One Village One Outlet (OVOO) Program which aims to facilitate energy accessibility for the community with the same quality and price. Pertashop will serve and bring people’s energy needs closer together as well as stimulate the regional economy, “said Mas’ud Khamid.
All information and registration of Pertashop partnerships can be found through The main requirement consists of two (2) criteria, the Requirements Administration Criteria and the Location Criteria.
For the cooperation pattern, there are three (3) types offered, Gold (210m² 3 Kilo Liter tank capacity), Platinum (300m² 10 KL tank capacity), and Diamond (500m² 10 KL tank capacity), the difference in land size will affect nonfuel business services. retail (NFR) that can operate, for example credit agents, grocery stores, mini markets, cafes / restaurants, workshops, and other derivative businesses.
Regarding standards, potential partners and the community also need not worry. All types of Pertashop are ensured to meet the same product quality, safety and operational standards as gas stations. “The quality of the product and the price is the same as in gas stations, tanks, dispensers, and other equipment we have tested for strength, extinguishers are also available for emergencies. Finally, operationally, we will train operators to work according to applicable standards, “explained Mas’ud Khamid.
On the same occasion, Assistant Deputy for Oil and Gas, Mining and Petrochemical at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Andi Novianto also expressed his views on access to KUR facilities for the Pertashop partnership. As one of the programs that ensures availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability, this Pertashop can support the recovery scheme as well as national economic growth.
“Currently there are 7,094 Districts and 74,957 Villages throughout Indonesia, the presence of Pertashop can therefore be very beneficial for the community. Pertashop and KUR will directly increase growth and help national economic recovery, increase the empowerment of MSMEs and the community, and increase employment, “concluded Andi.
After the socialization, there was also a check at Pertashop in the Tanah Sereal area, Bogor. Currently, the average distribution of Pertashop Tanah Cereal is around 900 liters per day. Apart from that, Pertashop Tanah Seral is also equipped with NFR facilities such as the Bright minimarket. Communities or legal entities interested in becoming Pertashop partners can visit the website, and if you need more information regarding Pertashop, you can contact Call Center 135. (hen / ted)