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Cancer treatment is one of the benefits of the JKN-KIS program

ILLUSTRATION. In 2018, cancer financing was in second place, amounting to 3.4 trillion. BETWEEN PHOTOS / Irwansyah Putra / foc.

Reporter: Selvi Mayasari | Editor: Yoyok

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) revealed that currently the National Health Insurance (JKN) – Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) program is a benefit in financing cancer treatment in Indonesia.

It should be noted that the National Health Insurance (JKN) is part of the National Social Security System (SJSN) which is implemented using a mandatory social health insurance mechanism (mandatory) based on Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning SJSN with the aim of meeting the basic needs of proper public health which is given to every person who has paid contributions or whose contributions have been paid by the Government.

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Anung Sugihantono, Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health, said that currently cancer treatment is one of the benefits of JKN-KIS. “Based on BPJS data in 2018, cancer financing is in second place, amounting to 3.4 trillion,” Anung told Kontan.co.id on Friday (31/1).

Regarding the convenience in terms of special investment in cancer hospitals, Anung said, investment is regulated in separate regulations in the form of domestic and foreign investment (negative investment list) including human resources (MEA).

Anung revealed, currently Indonesia has 2881 hospitals consisting of hospitals that have been integrated with the system on line.

The number of hospitals belonging to the Ministry of Health (34), Provincial Governments (143), District / City Governments (645), Hospitals owned by the Indonesian National Police (164), while private (1834), BUMN (36), and other Ministries (25).

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