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Do-It held a socialization program for the benefits of fintech in front of hundreds of MSMEs in Makassar

ILLUSTRATION. Fintech Do-It held a discussion and socialization of the benefits of fintech for the Indonesian economy at Hasanuddin University, Makassar. Also attending, Dr. Andi Nur Baumasssepe, MM from the International Council for Small Busines / ICSB Indonesia – City Coordinator Chapter

Reporter: Yudho Winarto | Editor: Yudho Winarto

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Company financial technology peer-to-peer lending PT Glotech Prima Vista (Do-It) is optimistic about welcoming 2020. Starting the steps in the new decade, Do-It visited the largest metropolitan city in the eastern region of Indonesia, namely Makassar, South Sulawesi.

The Do-It visit was aimed at socializing the benefits of fintech for the Indonesian economy in front of hundreds of MSMEs in Makassar.

Also Read: Do-It has distributed productive credit to 15,000 borrowers in 38 cities in East Java

The event which took place on Monday, January 13, 2020 at the Hasanuddin University Microfinance Building was opened by the Deputy Chancellor IV of Hasanuddin University, Prof. Dr. Muh. Nasrum Massi, Ph.D.

Also attending the event was Mr. Dani Surya Sinaga as Director of Supervision of Financial Services Institutions OJK Regional VI Sulawesi Maluku Papua; Dr. Andi Nur Baumasssepe, MM from the International Council for Small Business / ICSB Indonesia – City Coordinator Chapter Makassar; Prof. Dr. Gagaring Pagalung who is the Head of the Hasanuddin University Microfinance Center.

The participants, who are MSME practitioners, seemed enthusiastic about listening to the presentations from the speakers.

Government & Public Relations of PT Glotech Prima Vista (Do-It), namely Eric Fernardo, explained to the audience that Do-It encourages MSMEs to move up in class by building a populist economic ecosystem.

Also Read: The story of the fintech boss Do-It who decides to return to his homeland

“In addition to providing access to capital, Do-It collaborates with various partners to upskilling MSMEs such as providing free Point of Sales and Payment Aggregators for partners so that financial records are more orderly. MSMEs who become Do-It partners can also get lower prices for stock. products / raw materials from Do-It partner factories, “said Eric Fernardo in his press statement, Monday (13/1).

To note, currently the Eastern Indonesia region is one of the concentrations of the Do-It market in 2020. “Since being registered and supervised by OJK starting May 23, 2018, we have distributed productive credit to more than 2,300 MSMEs in South Sulawesi,” concluded Kadi Kusuma, Director Do-It on a separate occasion.

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