BPNT assistance increased by IDR 150,000 per beneficiary family
ILLUSTRATION. Beneficiary Family Members (KPM) show a Prosperous Family Card (KKS). BETWEEN PHOTOS / Rahmad / wsj.
Reporter: Abdul Basith | Editor: Yoyok
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Assistance received by Beneficiary Families (KPM) will increase in 2020. In 2020 recipients of Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) will be IDR 150,000 per KPM. Previously, the assistance received was only Rp. 110,000 per KPM.
“Previously, the assistance received was Rp. 110,000 and now Rp. 150,000,” said the Ministry of Social Affairs Ministry’s Director General of Poverty Prevention Andi Dulung when contacted by Kontan.co.id, Sunday (19/11).
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This change is considering that the assistance has been provided for a long time. Therefore there have been changes in the prices of a number of basic necessities.
Even so, the increase in BPNT revenues is not in line with the number of recipients. The recipients who received BPNT in 2020 were 15.6 million KPM. “In 2020 the existing budget is still 15.6 million KPM,” said Andi.
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The assistance will be given to KPM every month. However, for remote areas, assistance will be provided every 3 months.
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