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Benefits of Mama Mingling at Children's School

Taking children to school may have become your routine. But have you ever noticed how many faces you recognize while accompanying children on activities? If the answer is almost non-existent, it may be time for you to start interacting with fellow parents at school.

Not only is it useful to expand the scope of your friendship, interaction with fellow moms can also foster children’s self-confidence, you know.

Information Exchange Event
Seeing a group of mothers chatting in a corner of the school while waiting for their children to leave the classroom, do you think this is a waste of time? Or, do you feel that it actually interferes with the teaching and learning process at school because sometimes your voice is heard in the classroom?

But, Ma, obey Roslina Verauli, M. Psi (Vera) child, adolescent and family psychologists, gathering with other parents of other students can be a valuable source of input for a child’s day at school. Parents will encounter a number of challenges at each age range of children to ensure that their little one’s development process goes well.

This is where the benefits of your friendship with fellow parents will be felt. Hanging out with other mothers can be a means to help your little one get through the stages of development properly. For example, at the preschool age, the issue of safety and social behavior of the little one in the social environment has received a lot of attention.

This is certainly not something easy for mothers who work in the office to monitor this 24 hours a day. “You will find it helpful if you have close friends with other students’ parents,” said Vera.

“Generally, parents will find it difficult to understand what kind of child their child is, if they don’t have any acquaintances at school. Are you considered a naughty child, a typical child who becomes a victim, a whiny child, and so on. Through conversations with other parents, mothers can also find out which children tend to be aggressive, so they need to get extra supervision when playing with their children, “he said.

By interacting with fellow parents, you can also get information on issues that are hot and of concern at school, including if there is information that could potentially harm children.