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The 5 best benefits of green beans for body health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Are you a fan of green bean porridge? Apparently, this type of nut contains many benefits. The benefits of green beans come from the many nutritious contents in them. By eating green beans regularly, your body’s health can be maintained.

Rich in Antioxidants

Healthline (healthline.com) says that green beans have many antioxidants that are good for the body. Starting from flavonoids, phenolic acid, caffeic acid, and so on. Antioxidants function to fight free radical attacks that cause disease.

Some of the diseases that arise due to too many free radicals in the body are cancer, heart disease, and others. By eating green beans, this condition can be avoided. However, more human studies are needed to prove this.

Lowering Bad Cholesterol

Another benefit of green beans is that the amount of bad cholesterol or LDL is reduced. When the amount of bad cholesterol is too much in the body, your risk of developing heart disease also increases.

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An analysis of 26 studies showed that consuming about 130 g of green beans every day can reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol. The results of another analysis that reviewed 10 studies showed that the amount of LDL cholesterol was reduced by 5% when you ate a lot of green beans.

Treating Digestive Problems

One of the benefits of green beans is to treat digestive problems.

Healthline says that green beans can also treat digestive problems that you are experiencing. In 202 g of green beans, you can get 15.4 g of fiber. The fiber content can increase metabolism so that you can defecate more smoothly.

Lose weight

Do you want to lose weight? If so, there’s nothing wrong with including green beans in your diet. Apart from containing a lot of fiber, green beans are also rich in protein which can make you feel full longer.

One study that reviewed nine other studies proved this. As many as 31% of people who ate green beans felt fuller than after eating pasta or bread.

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Suitable for Pregnant Women

Another benefit of green beans is that they are suitable for consumption by pregnant women. Quoting from Healthline, in 202 g of green beans, you can meet 80% of folate needs. Folate functions to optimize the growth and development of the fetus in the womb.

Apart from being able to meet the needs of folate for pregnant women, green beans also contain lots of fiber, protein and iron. When you want to eat green beans, make sure to cook them until they’re cooked, yes. You need to do this so that no bacteria can enter your body.

Editor: Belladina Biananda