4 Benefits of potatoes for the health of your body
KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Who likes potatoes? One type of vegetable contains many uses for body health. The benefits of potatoes come from the various nutrients contained in them, such as fat, protein, carbohydrates, and others. Here are the benefits that your body can feel.
Contains Antioxidants
There are many types of antioxidants found in potatoes. Starting from flavonoids, phenolic acids, and carotenoids. Antioxidants are responsible for fighting free radical attacks that cause various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.
Quoting from Healthline (healthline.com), purple potatoes contain four times more antioxidants than ordinary potatoes. This means that colored potatoes are considered to be more effective against free radicals that attack the body.
Control Blood Sugar
Another benefit of potatoes is that they can be used to control blood sugar. In potatoes there is a special starch called resistant starch. This type of starch is useful for bacteria in the large intestine.
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Apart from being useful for bacteria in the gut, resistant starch is also useful for reducing insulin resistance. This means that blood sugar becomes better controlled. You can increase the number of resistant starch in potatoes by storing steamed potatoes in the refrigerator overnight.
Maintain Digestive System
Besides being useful for controlling blood, resistant starch from potatoes can also be used to maintain the health of your digestive system. When it enters the digestive system, resistant starch will be converted into short chain fatty acids called butyrate which are useful for maintaining your health.
Lose weight
If you are trying to lose weight, you can include potatoes in a healthy diet everyday. In a study involving 11 people, potatoes were chosen to be the most filling food.
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When you feel full, the urge to eat snacks or other types of food will decrease. As a result, you can lose weight. You can still maximize the benefits of potatoes by applying other healthy lifestyles.
You can process potatoes into various types of dishes. Starting from boiling, roasting, or steaming the potatoes. Healthline recommends that you do not remove the potato skins so that the potato nutrition can enter your body optimally.
Editor: Belladina Biananda