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5 Benefits of Children Joining the Competition

Including children in various kinds of competitions is of course allowed. Especially if he seems confident about taking part. But before participating in a race, you must first recognize the process of developing a child’s competitive spirit.

The stages of emotional development that need to be developed so that children have a positive competitive spirit are self-conscious emotion or ‘the me-emotion’. Unfortunately, this emotion is rarely a concern of parents and educators, even though it has a big impact on the development of motivation, competitive spirit and social skills in children aged 3-4 years and over.

The following is the help you need to provide for your child, so that he is able to channel and manage his competitive spirit well, especially when competing.

Be picky.
Look first, which children are more skilled in which fields. By including your little one in competitions that are in accordance with his abilities and age, he will feel enjoy, more empowered, and confident when participating in competitions.

Give an idea.
Invite your little one to watch various competition events. While observing the atmosphere of a competition, you can explain the rules of the race, such as the required qualifications, duration of the race, and so on. A basic understanding of competition is a good provision in helping your little one develop his mental competition.

Anti ambitious.
Give appreciation in the form of support and praise that can encourage him to enjoy trying, and keep trying. Explain to him that the competition that he will participate in aims to provide experience and see his own abilities. Avoid giving burdensome messages, and getting involved when your child is participating in a competition.

Doesn’t compare.
To spur their enthusiasm, build children’s motivation with appreciation and recognition for their best efforts. This method is much more effective than comparing it with other children.

Ready to lose.
Sometimes accepting victory feels easier and happier for children, than accepting defeat. However, usually children still do not understand this and tend to cry when they lose a race.

Conversely, when you accept victory, the thing you fear most is pride. For that, prepare children so they are not arrogant and do not cry when they win or lose.

Appreciate his efforts, and support him so that he enjoys the race with gusto, and does not feel compelled to win. Give him a consolation prize when he loses, explaining that you appreciate his courage to enter the race.

Photo: 123RF

Also read:
Signs When Children Participate in the Competition
Prepare Your Children Before, Join the Competition
Mama’s Wrong Attitude During the Competition