Teach Children Toilet Training from an Early Age, These are the Benefits!
Teach Children Toilet Training from an Early Age, These are the Benefits!

Since 2001, the United Nations has declared November 19 as World Toilet Day. This is a movement to remember basic human rights to get good sanitation. In line with that, teaching children about toilet from an early age also has many benefits. The following is as reported from kidsworldkindy.com.
– Inviting children to routinely do activities in the bathroom, apart from bringing parent-child relationships closer together, it also facilitates teaching the basics of body hygiene, such as brushing their teeth and bathing themselves.
– The earlier the toddler gets to know the activity of going to the bathroom, the sooner he will not rely on disposable diapers. This means that children are getting ready to go to school.
– When toddlers have been introduced to the habit of going to the bathroom, they also develop the ability to recognize their body signals for defecating and bowel movements.
Toilet facts
- 2.4 billion people in the world do not have access to proper sanitation, including toilets (www.un.org)
- 44% of users of open toilets are in Asia and this is the highest number in the world (UNICEF, 2012)
- Open toilets carry the risk of transmitting disease, lack support for privacy, and increase the risk of sexual harassment.
- 15% of the world’s population is still forced to defecate in the open. (Joint Monitoring Program for Water Supply and Sanitation, Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2012, United Nations Children’s Fund and World Health Organization, New York and Geneva, 2012)
- Did you know that 26 liters of water are thrown away in one flush?
- Each person uses the toilet about 2,500 times per year under normal conditions. When sick, the frequency will increase.
- More than 7 million people in the United States admit to dropping their cell phones in the toilet. Still want to take your phone to the toilet?
- Germs can travel up to 1.8 meters away when youflush toilet and could potentially cause infection. Therefore, put your underwear back on before flushing the toilet.