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Good for beauty and weight loss, here are 5 benefits of bananas

KONTAN.CO.ID –Banana is a fruit that is easily found in Indonesia. In addition, it is not uncommon for Indonesians to grow this fruit in their homes.

This food is also affordable enough for the public to get. Moreover, bananas are also rich in potassium, pectin, magnesium, vitamins C and B6.

Various kinds of health benefits can also be obtained by the body by consuming this curved yellow fruit.

Quoted from the page Live Science, bananas are known to prevent type 2 diabetes, aid weight loss, strengthen the nervous system, and contain high levels of antioxidants that can provide protection from free radicals.

So what are the benefits of bananas for the body?

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Benefits of bananas for the body

Benefits of bananas

Summarized from Medical News Today, and the Ministry of Health’s P2PTM, here are the benefits of bananas for the body:

1. Helps overcome hypertension

Potassium contained in bananas can help regulate fluid and electrolyte balance so that blood pressure remains stable. The dietary fiber contained in bananas is able to bind fat, thus preventing plaque formation.

Plaque can constrict and even block blood vessels, causing blood pressure to rise.

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2. Lowering blood sugar levels

Bananas contain fiber needed by the body. The American Diabetes Association recommend eating bananas and other fruits because they contain fiber which is good for diabetics and people who want to avoid the disease.

They note that eating fiber can help lower blood sugar levels. So, eating bananas and high fiber foods can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

3. Increase immunity

The content of Vitamins A, C, and B6 found in bananas serves to increase immunity to fight infection. So that the body will feel refreshed and not weak quickly.

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