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Baby Massage Turns Out Helpful for Parents

The first 28 days of a child’s life are important moments for growth, as it was said dr. Fitri Hartanto, SpAK from IDAI. At that time, parents are advised to touch the baby which has many benefits. One of them, as an important stimulation for the baby’s growth and development that has immediate benefits and has a long-term impact.

The touch that is meant by dr. Fitri is not just a hand on the baby’s skin, but a gentle touch or massage that involves the feelings of the parents, thus giving birth to an inner bond. The inner bond between babies and parents can make babies feel comfortable.

According to dr. Fitri, who was met at the World’s Largest Baby Massage Stimulation Training event held by Johnson’s Baby, massage the baby is not only beneficial for the baby himself, but also for the parents. The following is the explanation:

For babies:
– Helps regulate the digestive tract, respiration and circulation which has an impact on weight gain.

– Improve the immune system so that the baby is healthier

– Helping babies practice relaxation and lowering stressor hormones, making babies happy.

– Helps overcome sleep and sleep disorders that have an impact on memory development.

– Helps relieve discomfort when teething or colic.

Also read: 3 Massage Techniques To Help Babies Sleep Well

As for parents, the benefits of giving massage to babies include:
– Give special attention and strengthen bonds with babies

– Improve communication between parents and babies

– Create self-confidence in caring for babies.

So that massage for babies is more optimal, according to dr. Fitri you should use baby oil / lotion. “Because baby lotion will make it easier to transfer warmth from the hands of parents,” he said.

In addition, baby oil / lotion also helps improve skin barrier function, thermoregulation, and the blood circulation system. (Alika Rukhan)