Benefits of Field Trips for Children
The main purpose field trip is giving experience real learning to children. Because of that, usually field trip designed to be related to the curriculum or learning activities of children in class. Schools usually have set goals field trip, both the location and the results expected from these activities.
For example, when in class learning about the Youth Pledge, Arum, A grade 3 elementary school teacher, taking her students to the Youth Pledge Museum. By visiting the museum, children can see first-hand the faces of youth leaders, congress documents, and photographs during the Youth Congress. That way, without bothering to explain in class, the children can live up to the meaning of the Youth Pledge for the Indonesian nation.
Hanita (32), Mother of two sons, Baim (4) and Yusuf (2,5) who currently lives in the United States, said that his eldest son’s school regularly held field trip. Usually, the purpose of the field trip is adjusted to the ongoing theme at the children’s school. Like today, children are learning about the traditions and celebrations of holidays in the United States. So they paid a visit to the pumpkin fields (pumpkin patch) before Halloween to find out the history of this tradition. Exciting, right?