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4 best benefits of brown rice for body health

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. One type of rice that has a good impact on health is brown rice. The benefits of brown rice come from the various nutrients contained in it. Starting from fiber, zinc, potassium, potassium, and so on.

Compared to white rice, brown rice has a greater amount of nutrients. In 100 g of brown rice, you can get 405 Kcal of energy, 7 g of protein, 86.7 g of carbohydrates, 5.5 mg of iron, and many other important nutrients.

This shows that brown rice is important to consume regularly, especially for those of you who have heart problems, diabetes, and want to lose weight. Try to consume it with other nutritious foods so that the benefits can be felt in your body.

Rich in Antioxidants

As has been said, brown rice contains many important nutrients, manganese and iron are no exception. Quoting from Healthbenefitstimes.com, manganese is not only useful for producing energy, but also acts as an antioxidant.

Antioxidants are needed by the body to fight free radicals that can cause various diseases. This ability is maximized with iron which can accelerate the wound healing process and maintain the body’s mechanisms to function normally.

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Lowers cholesterol

The next benefit of brown rice is that it can reduce the amount of cholesterol. This benefit comes from the content in brown rice called monacolin K. However, consuming brown rice can cause side effects, especially for those of you who are pregnant or suffering from liver disease.

Prevent Heart Disease

One of the benefits of brown rice is preventing heart disease.

Healthbenefitstimes.com says that eating brown rice can prevent heart disease. The previous point explains that brown rice can lower cholesterol. When the amount of cholesterol is reduced, the risk of narrowing of the arteries decreases.

This means that the possibility of you having a heart attack or other types of heart disease can be avoided. Apart from eating brown rice, you can also reduce the risk of heart disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, being diligent in exercising, and others.

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Lowering the Risk of Obesity

Another benefit of brown rice that should not be missed is that this type of rice can reduce the risk of obesity. The fiber and protein content in brown rice can make you feel full longer so that you can reduce the desire to overeat.

Brown rice also has a small amount of fat. So, eating brown rice regularly is not a problem. In addition, your energy will also increase because of this type of rice.

Editor: Belladina Biananda