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3 Benefits of turmeric for the face, can get rid of panda eyes

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Turmeric is a spice that has many uses, including for maintaining healthy facial skin. The benefits of turmeric for the face can overcome acne and scars, moisturize the skin, prevent signs of aging, and reduce panda eyes.

Panda eyes or dark circles under the eyes are not dangerous. However, its appearance can ruin your appearance. Although it can be disguised with make-up, you still need to make a choice to treat panda eyes with turmeric.

Launching Best Health (besthealthmag.ca), the anti-inflammatory content in turmeric is able to overcome the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Turmeric is also able to stimulate blood flow in the facial skin so that dark circles under the eyes can be reduced. Likewise with puffy eyes.

Treating Acne and Eliminating Acne Scars

The benefits of turmeric for the face are also useful for treating acne as well as dealing with scars because it contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Antiseptic works to treat acne-causing bacteria. While anti-inflammatory works to reduce redness when pimples appear.

Also Read: 6 benefits of turmeric for the health of your body

To maximize the benefits of turmeric, you can combine it with honey. First, mix equal parts turmeric and honey. Apply the mixture on the pimples and scars and let it sit for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with water.

Prevent Signs of Aging

One of the benefits of turmeric for the face is to prevent signs of aging.

There are many things that can cause the signs of aging to appear. Apart from getting older, signs of aging can also arise due to the effects of sun exposure. Some of the signs of aging that you can experience are dark spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin becoming inelastic.

Best Health says that turmeric can be used to prevent signs of aging. You can mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric with 1 teaspoon of honey. Use the mixture on the face for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water.

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Overcoming Dry Skin

The benefits of turmeric for the face can also be felt by dry skin owners. Apart from hydrating the skin well, turmeric is able to accelerate the turnover of dead skin cells so that the skin looks smoother and softer.

Apart from using it directly on the skin, you can also get turmeric if you consume it. Mix turmeric in tea or food that you consume daily so that your skin becomes healthier.

Editor: Belladina Biananda