5 Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women, reduce the risk of preeclampsia
KONTAN.CO.ID – Watermelon is a water-rich fruit that has a number of benefits during pregnancy.
Watermelon is about 91% water, which makes it a great fruit to prevent dehydration.
A number of benefits of watermelon during pregnancy include reducing the risk of swelling due to body fluid buildup, preventing the risk of pregnancy complications to relieving morning sickness and improving the skin.
Then, the mineral content can help prevent third trimester muscle cramps. The following is a summary of the benefits of watermelon for pregnant women.
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Benefits of watermelon for pregnant women
Summarized from page Healthline, watermelon is a useful source of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other compounds. Watermelon is rich in water and provides moderate amounts of carbohydrates, copper and pantothenic acid, as well as vitamins A and C.
In addition, watermelon is rich in lutein and lycopene, two antioxidants that help protect the body from damage and disease.
The antioxidants in watermelon can improve eye, brain, and heart health, and potentially offer protection against certain types of cancer. Several studies have shown that this specific antioxidant may also help lower the risk of preterm birth and other pregnancy complications.
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A number of these ingredients make watermelon have several benefits during pregnancy. The following include:
1. Can reduce the risk of preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure, swelling in several parts of the body, and the presence of protein in the urine. This can lead to serious conditions and is a leading cause of preterm birth.
Based on the findings that supplements containing lycopene can reduce the risk of preeclampsia.
Watermelon is rich in lycopene, a red carotenoid hydrocarbon found in tomatoes and other fruits. A study found that the lycopene found in watermelon can help reduce the risk of preeclampsia by up to 50%.
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