– Washing your face only once a day can actually provide various benefits for our faces. Maybe, for some people who don’t know it, this is a debate in itself.
Many people feel that the more routine they wash their face, it will make our faces cleaner and also guarded from dirt and particles that stick to our faces. However, you need to know that people who only wash their face once a day are actually better off because it is believed to reduce acne so that it can make the skin more moisturised.
Therefore, in order to provide a detailed explanation, the following has summarized 5 benefits of washing your face once a day, as reported by Brightside.
1. Make Skin Not Too Oily

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Washing your face too often removes the essential oils that lock water into the skin, keeping it hydrated. If your skin is deprived of water, it will produce more sebum to try to retain any remaining moisture.
Using cleansers with harsh ingredients will cause your glands to overproduce oil, leaving your skin looking oily.
2. Prevent Premature Aging

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The benefits of washing your face once a day next is that it can help to prevent premature aging. Although your skin looks better immediately after cleansing or exfoliating, this effect is temporary.
In fact, if you wash your face too much, you are removing the dead skin cells that protect your skin. Without this protective layer, your skin will be more vulnerable and prone to premature wrinkling.
3. Protect Skin from Environmental Damage

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The benefits of washing your face once a day are also believed to protect us from pollution in the surrounding environment. The outer layer of your skin is the only one ready to face any potential damage from the environment because most of the cells there are dead or dying.
When there is no external protection from old cells, your skin is ‘naked’ and exposed to the harsh pollutants and toxins on the outside.
4. Skin Becomes More Moist

The fourth benefit of washing your face once a day is that it can make our skin much more moisturised. It is true that cleansing removes dirt and grime, and is an important step in your skin care routine. But doing it too often will make your skin too dry.
If you just rinse your skin with water in the morning, the natural oils it so desperately needs won’t go away, which keeps it healthy and hydrated.
5. Acne Is Less

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Washing your face too much will upset your skin’s healthy acid balance and can lead to irritation and redness. It will also damage the top layer of skin, allowing bacteria to enter your skin because it can no longer protect itself.
This can lead to acne and inflammation, which in turn will lead to more breakouts.