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5 Benefits of corn for health, can be for fattening the body

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Corn is a source of nutritious food because it contains many nutrients. Starting from antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The benefits of corn can be felt by your body when you eat it regularly. Here are the uses of corn that you can get.

Lowering the risk of anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks red blood cells. As a result, some parts of the body are deprived of oxygen. The body becomes tired, pale, dizzy, and so on.

To avoid this, you can eat corn regularly. Quoting from NDTV Food (food.ndtv.com), corn contains lots of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron which are useful for producing red blood cells.

Energy Booster

When you eat corn regularly, your body’s energy will increase. Corn contains many complex carbohydrates which can slow down the digestive process. That is, this food source provides longer energy.

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In a glass of corn, you can get 29 g of carbohydrates. In fact, corn not only increases physical energy, but also improves the function of the brain and nervous system in the body.

Body Fattening

Are you looking for a way to gain weight? If so, including corn in your daily diet can be an option. Instead of consuming junk food which is full of bad cholesterol, you can eat corn which is rich in vitamins and fiber.

Suitable for Diabetes Patients

One of the benefits of corn is that it is suitable for consumption by diabetics.

NDTV Food says that sweet corn can improve blood flow, reduce cholesterol absorption, and control insulin. This is the reason why corn is suitable for consumption by diabetics and people with high cholesterol.

Vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin C are able to fight these diseases and produce new cells. The fiber in corn is also useful for reducing the amount of cholesterol so that the amount of blood sugar in diabetics is also reduced.

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Maintain Healthy Skin

Other benefits of corn that can be felt by your body come from vitamin C and antioxidants. This content can increase collagen production and fight free radicals that cause skin problems.

Apart from being consumed, corn in the form of oil can also be used directly on your skin. There are many skin care products that use corn as a base ingredient. Choose care products that suit your skin type.

Editor: Belladina Biananda