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4 Benefits of Avocado Leaf Boiled Water, Number 3 Can Destroy Kidney Stones

Friday, 25 December 2020 – 10:16 WIB

4 Benefits of Avocado Leaf Boiled Water, Number 3 Can Destroy Kidney Stones - JPNN.com

Avocado leaf illustration. Photo: Pixabay

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – YOU You may not think that avocado leaves contain abundant nutrients, even more than the fruit itself.

Not only rich in protein and fiber, avocado leaves also contain several minerals.

The nutrients in these leaves can protect the body from degenerative diseases, help prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, support skin health and much more.

Here are some of the benefits of avocado leaf boiled water, as reported by the Genpi.co page.

1. Lowering Hypertension

Avocado leaves can be used to treat hypertension, the method is very easy, namely by boiling avocado water.

The trick is to take 5-6 old avocado leaves then boil in 2 cups of water to 1 cup, drink regularly until blood pressure is lost.

2. Back pain


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