earthworm illustration. – For some people, earthworms may be seen as disgusting little creatures. But make no mistake. Despite its small size and disgusting looks, this creature has a myriad of extraordinary benefits.
Tubular and segmented in the phylum Annelida, earthworms are generally used to fertilize soil. For those who like fishing, this worm is also commonly used as bait to attract fish attention.
Another benefit, earthworms can also be beneficial for one’s health. Although it sounds disgusting, earthworms also contain nutrients that are beneficial to human health. One of the benefits of earthworms that we have often heard of is its property to cure typhus.
Earthworms are considered to have a very high protein content. In addition, this creature also contains iron and calcium, which further increases its medicinal value for health.
Here, we report from and the benefits of earthworms for health and the environment.
Benefits of Earthworms for Health
Treating Typhus
The benefits of earthworms are the first to treat typhus. This one benefit may have long been trusted by the community. The earthworms will be processed into an extract in the form of a capsule.
The salmonella bacteria in the earthworm extract are considered capable of overcoming typhoid. Earthworms are also antibacterial, which makes them fight bacterial development and make typhus sufferers heal faster.

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Overcoming Diarrhea
The second benefit of earthworms is to treat diarrhea. The diarrhea that is suffered is usually caused by E. coli bacteria which attack the digestive system in the body. The antibacterial properties contained in earthworms, can be used to fight the development of bacteria such as E. coli and can treat diarrhea quickly.
Overcoming Inflammation
The third benefit of earthworms is to overcome inflammation. The oxidation process when consuming earthworms is an indicator of serum biochemicals. Earthworms have an organic content called lumbrokinase, which is usually processed into dietary supplements.
This organic content is beneficial for health to reduce inflammation due to hypercoagulation. Hypercoagulation itself is an excess of blood clotting and is very dangerous.
Provides Energy
The fourth benefit of earthworms is to provide energy. Earthworms have the ability to energize your body. Earthworms contain taunin, which is a compound that can break down fat in the body into energy. Earthworms are also often used as a diet menu because earthworms are considered capable of reducing fat.

Overcoming Blood Vessels Disorders
The fifth benefit of earthworms can overcome blood vessel disorders. Earthworms are known to contain fibrinolytic enzymes, which are considered to be able to prevent diseases related to platelets or blood vessel disorders.
Earthworms can also be used to keep the nerve cells in the body in good condition. A study reveals that earthworms have the potential to improve signaling pathways in Schwann cells. Schwann cells play an important role in healing damaged nerves in the body.
Overcoming Constipation
The next benefit of earthworms is to treat constipation. Constipation is a condition where there is a problem with the digestive system when the stool becomes harder than before.
Constipation can risk causing sores around the anus and triggering hemorrhoids. Earthworms contain nutrients that can improve your body’s digestive system.
The benefits of earthworms are furthermore as anti-tumor. Earthworms have fibrinolytic enzymes (EFE), which are believed to be used to fight hepatoma cells in the body.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer and the third leading cause of death worldwide. The EFE content in earthworms can be used to treat hepatoma.
Benefits of Earthworms for the Environment
Improve Soil Nutrition
Plants depend on the nutrients available in the soil to be taken up and turned into food. Earthworms eat debris, carcasses, animal waste, such as cow dung. Their elongated bodies dig into the ground and eat whatever they find in their path.
The digestive system of worms collects organic and inorganic mineral elements. As they move, the worms leave a cast which is rich in nutrients. When the worms rot, the soil becomes rich in nutrients, which can increase soil fertility.
Changing Soil Texture and Structure
Not all lands are the same. The texture and structure depend on the proportion of silt, clay, sand and water present in the soil. The combination of properties determines the water holding capacity and nutrient availability for the plants that wish to grow.
Earthworms can strengthen soil particles and hold moisture. Research on earthworms has shown that these tiny creatures can enrich the topsoil, which is the substratum needed for the healthy growth of food plants.
Improve Soil Drainage
Many plants cannot take up nutrients in waterlogged conditions. When earthworms burrow, the soil is loosened creating space to allow excess water to drain out.
Unfortunately, many still use chemicals and pesticides, which can kill earthworms and destroy earthworms’ natural biological life.

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Helping Soil Environment Aeration
During the excavation process, the soil is tilled up and down, allowing oxygen to reach the topsoil. Earthworms ventilate the soil and condition the food material needed by plant roots.
Sir Albert Howard called earthworms the “ideal soil analyst,” stating that they could “provide gardeners with a report on the state of their soil that is far more useful than anything soil scientists have provided so far.”
Read next: Benefits of Earthworms for Health …