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3 surprising benefits of drinking cucumber water every day, it can lose weight

JAKARTA, iNews.id – Cucumber is a fruit that is easily found in Indonesia. Not only can it be used as a food companion such as pickles, fresh vegetables to salad, cucumbers can also be processed into useful fresh drinks.

The easiest way is to make cucumber water. Besides being easy to make, cucumber water has various health benefits, especially if you drink it regularly.

So, what are the benefits of consuming cucumber water? Check out the list as summarized from Healthline, Tuesday (26/1/2021).

1. Lose weight

If you are trying to lose weight, try replacing your sugary drinks such as soda, coffee milk and sweetened tea with cucumber water which can help you reduce calories in your daily diet. Because staying hydrated also helps you feel full longer, thereby reducing the urge to chew food.

2. Rich in antioxidants

Cucumber is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants. This one content is a substance that helps prevent and delay cell damage due to oxidative stress due to free radicals. In addition, cucumbers are also rich in vitamin C, beta carotene and manganese.

Editor: Tuty Ocktaviany